Notes for the CDN-Templates package: OpenVPMS (currently version 1.8) stores within its MySQL database, the line-item price of a product or service as a tax-inclusive price along with the total tax amount. The .jrxml templates offered here define several new variables and expressions that partition the single tax into its PST and GST components and report the tax-exclusive price, PST and GST separately. No changes are made to the database structure or stored data. The package also includes a template that can be used for monthly PST and GST summary reports on sales. The templates offered here allow using OpenVPMS in most provinces and territories of Canada as well as in other jurisdictions where two non-identical tax rates apply to some or all services and products. At the present time, these templates cannot be used in the province of Sakatchewan or other jurisdictions where PST and GST rates are identical. The alogrithm is unable to differentiate PST from GST in this case. With a little modification of the display values, the templates should be able to be used in provinces that utilize the HST for most items and apportion the taxes on those items to which only the PST or GST components have been applied. Note: It as assumed that OpenVPMS has already been setup to use two taxes at the appropriate rates and that services and items have (or will be) tagged with the appropriate taxes and with the price entered as a tax-inclusive amount, as is the OpenVPMS standard. As provided, all of the templates have variables initialized to calculate a 7% PST and a 5% GST. If your province or territory's rates differ from these values, open the .jrxml report templates with iReports and change the following variable values: rate_PST (default 0.07; if you are in an HST province, enter your PST rate here) rate_BOTH (default 0.12, combined 7% PST and 5% GST rates; or enter your province's HST rate here) Set the rate_PST and rate_BOTH values in all of the following files: CounterSaleItems-Cdn-1.8.jrxml CreditItems-Cdn-1.8.jrxml InvoiceItems-Cdn-1.8.jrxml pst-GstReport-Cdn-2-1.8.jrxml salesProductService-Cdn-2-1.8.jrxml Open the following templates and modify the clinic name and layout as required. All of the templates included here are already formatted for Letter-sized paper. counterSale-Cdn-1.8.jrxml credit-Cdn-1.8.jrxml invoice-Cdn-1.8.jrxml pst-GstReport-Cdn-1.8.jrxml sales-ProductService-Cdn-2-1.8.jrxml Once the templates have been customized and saved, replace the stock OpenVPMS templates with the new templates by going to Administration > Templates. Edit the following templates, uploading the appropriate .jrxml file as given: CounterSale <-- CounterSale-Cdn-1.8.jrxml CounterSaleItems <-- CounterSaleItems-Cdn-1.8.jrxml Credit <-- Credit-Cdn-1.8.jrxml CreditItems <-- CreditItems-Cdn-1.8.jrxml CustomerSalesReport <-- sales-ProductService-Cdn-2-1.8.jrxml Invoice <-- Invoice-Cdn-1.8.jrxml InvoiceItems <-- InvoiceItems-Cdn-1.8.jrxml InvoiceReminders <-- InvoiceReminders-Cdn-1.8.jrxml Under Administation > Templates > New, create the following two NEW templates. Name: PST/GST Description: PST/GST report on income between two dates Type: Report Paper Size: Letter Upload: pst-GstReport-Cdn-2.1.8.jrxml and Name: Sales by Client, Product, Service, Date Description: Sales report that breaks out PST/GST Type: Report Paper Size: Letter Upload: salesProductService-Cdn-2-1.8.jrxml Go to Reporting > Reports > Find. After pressing Find, the list of reports should be refreshed and the new PST/GST Report and the new Sales Report should be available. Included in this package is the source code to a small Java utility, The source code gives additional information as to how the tax-apportioning algorithm works and how it has been implemented in iReports. This utility may be useful to those who need to further modify the algorithm for use in their tax jurisdiction. Testing and debugging in the Java environment is considerably easier than attempting to do so directly in iReports! I hope that these are of some assistance. While not all possible tax-sensitive reports are provided here, others should be easily generated using these as blueprints. Should you have any questions, corrections or suggestions, please contact me either through the forums or directly at: sam -at- Thanks, Samuel Longiaru Kamloops, BC Canada