Default Patient list when entering from Customers (Reducing the clicks)

hey guys,


Since we pimped the Patient search dialog we have lost a behaviour that used to be very handy.

If had a selected Customer and entered a patient search, a default search restricted to that Customer would populate. Currently, we have to click Find to populate that list.

Its sounds trivial but it is quite unintuitive when you are clicking Patients tab from within Customer->Information and it shows no results.

I reckon this would be a huge click reducer.



Specific behaviour: If Customer field is populated, pupulate search with that restriction. If no Customer field contents, do not launch search.





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Re: Default Patient list when entering from Customers ...

This works for me in 2.1.3. Can you reproduce this in on the demo version at ? Log in with user guest and password User1234


Re: Default Patient list when entering from Customers ...


It works great in the demo. I should check out the change log and do an update (we are on 2.1.1)



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