The Investigations List - Minimising the clearing work

Hi everyone,

We have only recently started using the Investigations workspace as a task manager for several test types. These test types update their statuses automatically. Examples include external & in-house lab tests and imaging studies. It has become a very busy list. We use the workspace to task manage external lab results. Clearing the list by hitting the "Mark Reviewed" button for all the other test types whilst simple enough, is time consuming for the staff assigned to manage this list.   

We would like to propose a configuration for the Investigation Type that would either;

a) Automate their "Review" status once a certain status is acheived.

b) Not have them appear in the list at all 

In respect to option a) we imagine being able to set a "Final status" which if it was set, would set the order status to "Reviewed" automatically. 

Alternatively if option b) was employed, a configuration that allowed a "Require user review" per Investigation type. Investigations would only appear if they had that flag set.

Does anyone else find clearing the Investigations workspace a bit clicky?



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Re: The Investigations List - Minimising the clearing work

The idea of the Reviewed status is that the person responsible for looking at the results sets the status when they are done.

We can probably make this easier, e.g. by providing a Mark Reviewed button in the Medical Records and the Visit editor.

Or do you tend to review results outside of OpenVPMS?

Re: The Investigations List - Minimising the clearing work

Hi Tim,

No, all reviewed in OpenVPMS.

A Mark Reviewed button in the medical record is a brilliant idea. Would the process be;

- Patients->Medical record

- Select Investigation

- Mark Reviewed button appears conditional on status

That would solve a staff compliance issue with updating the status in the Investigations list.

That actually would solve our problem in this instance so consider us comitted sponsors to this addition. :-) 



I am imagining not all investigations will require Review tracking. How can we still use the investigations workspace and facilitate such investigation types? 

Re: The Investigations List - Minimising the clearing work

The first part of your query is raised as This will be available in OpenVPMS 2.2.2

I'm less convinced about the second part. Under what circumstances would you order an investigation and never look at the results?


Re: The Investigations List - Minimising the clearing work

Thank you Tim,

I'm less convinced about the second part. Under what circumstances would you order an investigation and never look at the results?

When you say it like that ... :-)

In our clinic the specific use cases are xray studies and in house labs. They are reported as we go,notes made and we don't require the clinicians to jump into another list to record so.

With the introduction of a button in the history, this is a mute point!

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