More flexibility with Messaging

These ideas came from the recent user meeting. They need discussion before they can be used to create a User Project.


o        It appears that users use messaging in a variety of ways including how much people use messaging (some using it a little and others using it a lot).

o        A lot of people use Worklists (and to a lesser degree Schedules) to achieve the same purpose of messaging.

o        There was a request for messaging to be expanded to include the ability to

                                                  i.      Reply  - create a new message to the same sender.

                                                ii.      Edit messages – change text and status

                                              iii.      Add editing of the original message to the existing Forward method.

o        There was a  comment that tasks in Worklists already contain all this functionality and that having a Worklist assigned for messaging would achieve these goals.

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Re: More flexibility with Messaging

I strongly support the ability to edit messages, forward them and to have as much functionality as possable assoc with the Message System.


Re: More flexibility with Messaging

Fire away Paul :)


Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Matt C

Re: More flexibility with Messaging

Erm... once we have a costing of course. Ooops. Bit premature shaking the hat for this one.

Anyone else have any comments or changes they would make to this before I send it for costing?

Matt C

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