Patient note editing screen in 2.1.2

Hi all,

Just wondering how other users are finding the patient note editing screen format in 2.1.x. We've been using version 2.1.2 for 2 weeks now (upgraded from 2.0.4), and we would much prefer the split screen to be something like 40:60 (note editing:patient history) rather then the current 15:85 ratio that we can see. Is there a setting to adjust this format/display ratio at all?

In the future, it would be even better if the display ratio can be adjusted via the black line on screen, similar to the one deplicted in the original project note:


Kind regards,


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Re: Patient note editing screen in 2.1.2

What resolution are you running at?

This is at 1024x786.

... and 1280x800.


There are two style properties that affect the height of the note and the history separator.


 You can set these for the current session at Administration - Stylesheets.

If you want to make the permanent, you need to create a file with your customisations. e.g.:

PatientClinicalNote.note.height                           = 17 * $font.size
PatientClinicalNote.separatorPosition                = 25 * $font.size

Re: Patient note editing screen in 2.1.2

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your reply! We have 1920x1080 and 1280x1024 screens and use 125% or 150% font size in Windows 10. I found the problem to be with the stylesheets. We have customised our default stylesheet as we changed the default colour of the button (rollover and pressed). It is all fixed now! Thank you!

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

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