sms reminders to patient location

In most situations when a patient has a patient location that differs from the owner it would be more appropriate to send the reminder to the location rather than the owner. 

We do alot of rescue work and set the patient location to be the foster carer with the rescue group as the owner. The foster carer is the one that needs reminding for the appointments not the owner.

I can't think of any situations where this wouldn't apply

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Re: sms reminders to patient location

Maybe this could be a selectable option on an SMS template...

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: sms reminders to patient location

I suspect that the optimum way to do things is a flag on the patient record that says 'Use Location Data'. Then one probably needs a new party:getOwnerLocn() which returns either the current owner or current location depending on the setting. The reminder system would also have to be tweaked to take notice of this flag.

There is also a case for the left panel customer information to show the location data when using the Patients workspace when the flag is set (together with an indicator that this is location info rather than owner info).


Regards, Tim G

Re: sms reminders to patient location

Would the flag be necessary? If a patient location exists use it, else use the owner?

The info on the left panel is an interesting idea as well. The owner and location links should be shown, the contacts (displayed and linked) should be from the patient location, the account info though should be the owner. 

Are there any use cases I am not thinking about where a location would not be the preferred contact for a patient?


Re: sms reminders to patient location

Matt - the problem with the 'if have a current location entry, use it' approach that this changes the behaviour of the system. You must leave it to the practice to decide how the system is to work - ie does the owner have priority or the location, and the default MUST be to leave the system as it currently behaves (ie use owner).

I also do not think that the use location/owner switch should be at the practice level, but rather for each patient.

Regards, Tim G

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