

The Rostering workspace provides support for scheduling employees in shifts.
This can be used to ensure:

  • employees are available to work on a particular day
  • clinicians can be scheduled to appointments

The screen displays two views of these shifts:

  • Areas - displays shifts by Roster Area
  • Employees - displays shifts by User

In both, new Shifts are created by clicking on an empty cell.

The buttons are as follows:

Edit Edit the selected shift
Delete Delete the selected shift

Copying a shift

To copy a shift to another date/time, either use 'copy and paste':

  • select the shift by clicking on it
  • copy it using Ctrl-C
  • navigate to the desired day
  • click on the new time slot so that appears
  • paste it using Ctrl-V

Moving a shift

To move a shift to another date/time, either:

  • edit it and change the start and end times; or
  • 'cut and paste' it:
    • select the shift by clicking on it
    • cut it using Ctrl-X
    • navigate to the desired day
    • click on the new time slot so that appears
    • paste it using Ctrl-V

Cut and paste allows the shift to be moved to another area or employee.



A Shift is used to roster an employee to an area for a period of time.

An employee can only be rostered to a single area at a time.

The fields are:

Start Time The time that the shift starts
End Time The time that the shift ends
Duration The length of the shift
Employee The rostered on user
This is restricted to users that work at the practice location.
Area The roster area