Outstanding Debtors Report R02


*** updated 10/10/15 with the R02 version which corrects an error in the R01 version.

This is a revised version of the Outstanding Debtors report included in the 1.8 package backported to 1.7.  It now shows the correct historical situation. Since it needs to examine every financial transaction prior to the As At date, it takes some time to run.

Report parameters:

Explanatory text:
This shows the Outstanding Debtors position on the As At date and includes all finalised transactions to 23:50:59 on that date.
If the 'Totals Only' option has been selected then only the totals are shown; otherwise details will be displayed if:
a) the 'Show 60+ Only' option has been selected and there are with amounts outstanding for 60 and over days (whether credit or debit); OR
b) the 'Show Credit Balances' option has be selected and the customer has a credit balance; OR
c) the 'Show 60+ Only' option has not been selected
Customers with zero balances are never shown.
If the 'Include Inactive Customers' option is set then customers who were not active at the As At date are included. A customer is deemed to be not active if their Active flag is not set AND they have no transactions after the As At date.
If the customer's Active flag is not set, then the first column will be ! if the customers has no transactions after the As At date, or # otherwise. Thus # indicates currently inactive but was active at the As At date, and ! indicates was inactive at the As At date.
Note that the Totals include all customers selected even if they have not been displayed. The Totals do not include "not active" customers unless the Include Inactive Customers box is checked.

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