Product Sales


Lists all sales of a product within a defined time period limited by product name.

The detailed report shows; date, patient name, customer name, vet, qty and $ billed.

The summary report shows; monthly totals and quantities.


The report is summariesed with 2 graphs showing the monthly sales ($) and quantities expressed as monthly totals with different years being show as different series.


Please note that this report could take a long time to run on a large database if the period set is very long.


Product : Any product name. Note that the search will find any matching product name.


If you have two products "Consultation Revisit" & "Consultation Long" by typing "Cons" you will return both types. Note that this report does not group by product types. This could be done if people so desired.


Start Date : Start date inclusive

End Date : End date inclusive

Show Detail : Will show every transaction

Show Time : Will show the time of transaction (note that Jasper reports incorrectly orders the transactions with respect to time but correctly for date)





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