Stock Valuation Report


This is an enhanced version of the standard Stock Valuation report.  It is enhanced to:

  • show the stock value on a specified date (rather than just the current date)
  • group products by product type
  • by default show products with zero or no cost, but this can be suppressed
  • allow all products in a nominated Product Group to be ignored

The parameter selection screen is:

The explanatory text is:

This report shows the stock valuation as at 23:59 on the specified date for each selected location with subtotals for each product type.  
The stock quantity is calculated from the current holding and adding/subtracting all stock movements (including sales, credits, deliveries, returns, adjustments and transfers) after 23:59 on the as at date.
The cost is that applicable at 23:59 on the as at date.  If there are multiple applicable costs (as can be the case if Pricing Groups are used, then the minimum cost is used.
The selection fields entered have % added so that leaving them blank will find all, and entering say product type 'n' will include all product types with names starting 'n' or 'N', and entering product name '%vacc' will find all products with names containing 'vacc'. The selection is case insensitive.
For Product Type and Classification (Product Group and Product Income Type) selection, omitting the selection will include products with no product type or classification respectively. Using the selection '-' will find only those with no product type or classification.
Only active products are included.
All negative and zero stock holdings are ignored.
By default products with zero or null costs are displayed (even if Print Details is off), because this indicates a possible error, but this can be suppressed if the 'Show zero cost items' option is unticked.
The 'Ignore Product Group' selection can be used to specify that products in this group should be ignored. [This facility allows products to be ignored when valuing the stock.]
The data is ordered by Stock Location then Product Type then Product Name.



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