Custom graphic

So I was rather hoping to replace the OpenVPMS logo with my own practice graphic. However when I went to find the linked .gif file I realised it is nowhere to be found.


Can anyone shed any light on this?

<img style="border:0px none;" src="../images/openvpms.gif" id="c_5">

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Re: Custom graphic

Its in <Tomcat-Home>\webapps\openvpms\images - specifically in my system in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\openvpms\images

If you do replace by your own logo, I would stay with the 27 pixel height - though you have more latitude with the width. Rather that totally zapping the OpenVPMS part, a nicer mod is to add your practice logo as I have done below. The graphic is now 27x451 rather than the original 27x128. You also will have to stay with the same name. Also, you will need to add 'adjust openvpms.gif' to the list of things to do when you upgrade to the next release.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Custom graphic

I just found a reason not to make the graphic too wide - below is my new login screen

So the max width is about 360 pixels.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Custom graphic

That's great, many thanks.

I had already decided to make it 512 pixels wide exactly as you thought. I better trim my photoshop file in light of that!

Gary Beilby BSc BVMS MVS (Cons Med)

Animal Happiness Veterinary
Manning, Western Australia

Re: Custom graphic

Maybe we can see if we can get a logo added as part of the customizations project.


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