Date deactivated

I am currently developing a Key Performance Indicator report.

One of the numbers of interest is the number of customers.

For the customer we have an active flag and a dateCreated.  However when the customer is deactivated, there is no dateDeactivated. Hence one cannot calculate for a historical period how many non-deactivated customers the business had.  What you need is:

count customers with dateCreated < periodEnd and (isnull (dateDeactivated) or dateDeactivated > periodEnd)

We need to add a dateDeactivated (hidden) to party.customerperson which is set when the Active flag is cleared and set to null if Active goes from false to true (ie the customer is re-activated).

For customers already deactivated, we could use some SQL to set the dateDeactivated to the date of the last act for that customer.


Regards, Tim G

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Re: Date deactivated

As you've said, you could determine the deactivation date based on the date of the customer's last act. This will work in all versions of OpenVPMS, and not require the addition of a new node.


select count(*)
from (
    select e.entity_id,,, d.value createdDate,
           case when not
                then (select max(a.activity_start_time)
                      from acts a
                      join participations p
                         on p.entity_id = entity_id
                         and a.act_id = p.act_id
                         and p.arch_short_name = "participation.customer")
            end as deactivatedDate
    from entities e
    join entity_details d
         on e.entity_id = d.entity_id
         and = "createdDate"
    where e.arch_short_name = "party.customerperson") c
where c.createdDate <= "2014-01-31"
    and (c.deactivatedDate is null or c.deactivatedDate > "2014-01-31");

The inner select provides a listing of customers and their created and deactivated dates:

    select e.entity_id,,, d.value createdDate,
           case when not
                then (select max(a.activity_start_time)
                      from acts a
                      join participations p
                         on p.entity_id = entity_id
                         and a.act_id = p.act_id
                         and p.arch_short_name = "participation.customer")
            end as deactivatedDate
    from entities e
    join entity_details d
         on e.entity_id = d.entity_id
         and = "createdDate"
    where e.arch_short_name = "party.customerperson"




Re: Date deactivated

Tim - thanks for the SQL. I have saved it for use in the KPI report. I will also clone a version for patients.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Date deactivated

Tim - It struck me that for the purpose of 'how many patients/customers at date xxxx' I do not need a deactivated date.

Your code (adjusted) is:

select count(*)
from (
    select e.entity_id,, cast(d.value as Date) as createdDate,
           case when not
                 then (select max(p.activity_start_time)
                      from  participations p
                         where p.entity_id = e.entity_id
                          and p.arch_short_name = "participation.patient")
            end as deactivatedDate
    from entities e
    join entity_details d
         on e.entity_id = d.entity_id
         and = "createdDate"
    where e.arch_short_name = "party.patientpet") c
where c.createdDate <= '2013-01-31'
    and (c.deactivatedDate is null or c.deactivatedDate >  '2013-01-31');

If we adjust to just check for any activity after the end date we get:

select count(*)
from entities e
   join entity_details d
         on e.entity_id = d.entity_id
         and = 'createdDate'
where e.arch_short_name = 'party.patientpet'
    and cast(d.value as Date) <= '2013-01-31'
    and (
        or exists ( select *
                      from  participations p
                      where p.entity_id = e.entity_id
                          and p.arch_short_name = 'participation.patient'
                          and p.activity_start_time > '2013-01-31')

These both provide the same answer, but there is a significant performance improvement: 28.8 sec down to 4.7 sec - peanuts if you have to do it once but for the KPI report I need to do it 16 times (count at start and end of period for 4 periods for both customers and patients).

Regards, Tim G

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