Orders generated through OPEN

Hello - we are struggling a bit with the automatic orders that a few odd things are happening.

It was my understanding that when we order a product and it is not delivered it goes on backorder with the supplier and on open.

This means that when generate an order automatically it will see that this product is on back order and not order it again.

Then on Monday - metacam cat 3mls goes to back order, so when I run our back order report it is on that list.

Today when I generate the order, metacam cat 3mls comes up on the order despite it being on our back order report.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

I have attached our back order report and the generated order.

Thank you for some insight


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Re: Orders generated through OPEN

For a product to be on backorder, there must be a line item for the product in at least one order present, with Delivery Status set to Part.

The amount on back order is the Quantity - (Received Quantity + Cancelled Quantity).

The other thing to check is the current stock Quantity and  Ideal Qty of Metacam Cat 3mls. 
You can find this out on the Stock Locations tab of the product.

If the current stock Quantity + back order quantity < Ideal Qty, an order will be generated for the difference.

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