PetYeti URL for reminder sms & Email

Hi Support Team, 

Can anyone advise if you can add Pet Yeti online booking url link into Open VPMS sms & email reminder templates please and what is the best way to do this using a shortened url?


Jan B

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Re: PetYeti URL for reminder sms & Email

You can add any content you like. E.g. for SMS reminders, the expression could be:

concat($, ' is due for a vaccination at ', 
       $, '.', $nl, 'Please contact us on ',
       ' to make an appointment, or visit')

If your SMS message is likely to go over 140 characters, make sure your SMS configuration is set for Maximum Parts > 1.

Email templates support a wider range of formatting options. Macro and Expression templates can use something like the above. Email templates based on JasperReports or .odt/.doc can include a clickable link.



Re: PetYeti URL for reminder sms & Email

Thank you! Is there a specific Open VPMS version that this works in that I need to be aware of? 

Re: PetYeti URL for reminder sms & Email

OpenVPMS 2.0 or higher is required. A change to the way reminder email templates are processed was made in OpenVPMS 2.0.3 for Expression and Macro based templates, so I would recommend upgrading if you want to use these, and are on an earlier release.

Re: PetYeti URL for reminder sms & Email

Thank you



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