Strange behaviour after restart.

G'day all,

Now we are starting to use OVPMS, some strange things are happening.

1/ Users groups disappear.

2/ Users location disappear

3/ Practice Location Schedule Views disappear

4/ Practice Location Worklist Views disappear

5/ When these are set again, when making a new visit through workflow, on Ok am getting the error:

Failed to validate property Appointment Type: Appointment Type is not valid for this field

although the appointment type is selected from the list. On checking the Admin -> Types by edit and next, when getting to Appointment Type and Task Type, they wanted to be saved, but the others were fine.  An Investigation type created yesterday would not respond to Save nor revert, so it got deleted. but this error persists.

I have no idea what the cause could be.  I use mysqldump with default options to backup, but this hasn't had an effect previously.

Any Ideas?

Regards, Simon

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Re: Strange behaviour after restart.

The "Failed to validate property Appointment Type: Appointment Type is not valid for this field" probably means that the appointment type is not linked to the schedule.

If you views and work lists are disappearing, it may mean that you have set an end time on the entity relationships. You can verify if this is the case by:

1. Going to Administration - Organisation

2. select your Practice Location

3. On the Views or Work Lists tabs, untick Hide Inactive ...

This will show you if the relationships have expired. If this is the case, then you'll need to administratively correct them.

You can do the same for users, in Administration - Users.

Re: Strange behaviour after restart.

Sure enough the extras were there, but they all had Details of LocationSchedule/Worklist/User(Jul1,2014 -).

I deleted the spares and set default on the remaining one.  The user groups were the same.

We'll see how it goes., no, error still there.

Thanks, Simon

Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789 @

Re: Strange behaviour after restart.

Are any of these things you've loaded via Pentaho, or are they manually entered? The Pentaho plugin disables validation to allow multiple transforms to produce objects; this means that you can end up objects that would never have passed validation if they were entered via the app.

Sometimes you can check this by editing an object, change an attribute, and resaving. This will force validation.

The other thing to check is the openvpms-full.log to see if there are any errors.




Re: Strange behaviour after restart.

Tim, these were all added manually, or were there at the start, none via Spoon.  Some things like practice name and number and extra breeds were added by edits to base or setup xml, then  product groups, types and income types all added through dataload.

What I saw when moving between the types sounds like a re-validation.

When the error occurs, the only thing added to the log is:

01 Jul 2014 08:00:59,860 ERROR DialogErrorHandler,http-bio-8080-exec-5:68 - Failed to validate property Appointment Type: Appointment Type is not valid for this field

I'll keep looking, Simon.

Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789 @

Re: Strange behaviour after restart.

Did you verify that the appointment type has been configured for the schedule?

Re: Strange behaviour after restart.

I think I found it. When you said that an end date would mess things up I got thinking.  To enter the transactions back to the first of July and have the dates in the greyed out boxes in invoicing be consistent with visit and note dates, it was suggested that I set the system date back to the first.  That must have been what kicked it off, because now the system date is back to now, all seems fine.

Regards, Simon

Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789 @

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