Suggestion on Apache Tomcat Service for Windows Installs...

Instead of running the service as a local admin account (which increases the risk to any vulnerability) you can leave the service running as LocalSystem.

From what I can tell so far, the only need to change the Apache Tomcat executing user is to provide a full profile to OpenOffice so that templates can be loaded and executed. A simple way to build this profile for LocalSystem is to build the profile for yourself (a local admin) per the documents, then copy it into the LocalSystem user profile.

robocopy /e "%userprofile%\Application Data\" "C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data\"
(this is for windows Server 2003 w/the resource toolkit installed for robocopy, Vista profiles should be under C:\Users)

Now, with all that said, I have not completed all my testing, nor is this yet in production use. I would appreciate any feedback if anyone knows of reasons why this may cause problems, or not work in some other area.

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Suggestion on Apache Tomcat

Hi Ken,

Completely agree with security issue and think solution is viable although I haven't yet tested if OpenOffice is happy to run under that Windows account. 


I think another option in regards setting up the profile so Open Office doesn't hang waiting for registration is to install the Open Office extension DisableFirstStartWzd.oxt.  This may forego the need to do the profile setup and also stops each user on a termianl server having to go through thsi process when they first use Open Office.






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