Consult from patient history

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Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 
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Project description: 

At present, users perform a consult by selecting an Appointment in Workflow - Scheduling,  or a Task in Workflow - Work Lists, and clicking Consult.

To limit the amount of switching between workspaces, a Consult button will be added to Patients - Medical Records - Summary.

This will locate the appointment, and use it to initiate a Consult workflow.

Locating the Appointment

To launch the Consult workflow, a valid appointment is required.

The most recent appointment for the patient that is either Checked In, In Progress, Billed, or Admitted will be used.

If there is none, but there is a Completed appointment done in the last 48? hours, it will display a confirmation:

The most recent appointment for <patient> was completed at <appointment end time>.

Continue performing consultation?

If Yes is selected, the Consult workflow will proceed, otherwise it will be terminated.

If no appointment matching the criteria can be found, an error dialog will be displayed:

Cannot perform consulation, as there is no current appointment for <patient>.

TODO - performing Consult for any patient that has been checked out can cause problems for Smart Flow, IDEXX and Cubex.

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