Develop support for United States requirements

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Development Project Status: Ongoing

OpenVPMS does not currently have good support for the requirements of the US veterinary community. There has been the occasional discussion of key points such as taxation and post code handling.

This project will act as a repository for these development tasks as they come up.

US vets are encouraged to post their requirements in the user forums. From there we can go through the normal discussion and review process before posting their development cost in an active project.

The current JIRAs (development tasks) are listed below:

1. Enhance application to support US Sales Tax
2. Postcode Lookups -


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Re: Develop support for United States requirements

Hi All,

I would add another item here to allow changes of strings in the application. There are a lot of strings in the application that are awkward to US spelling sensibility (or lack thereof). For instance, I would like to see a table that permits us to change:

  • Cheque -> Check
  • Finalised -> Finalized
  • Colour -> Color
  • Desexed -> Spayed/Neutered
  • Kilograms -> Pounds (both are there, but I can't make Pounds default for some reason)
  • etc...

It's not terribly important because we're able to modify all the reports. But I do think this would help with any attempt to penetrate the US market w/ OpenVPMS.

Cheers, Paul

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