User preference administration

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Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 
Project funding: 

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Project description: 

This project will enable:

  • preferences to be copied from a source user to one or more target users
  • all preferences to be copied, replacing the target user's preferences with that of the source
  • a subset of the source preferences to be copied
  • target users to be selected by classification (e.g. Clinician, Receptionist)

To support this, a Copy Preferences button will be added to Administration - Users.

This will be enabled when a user (the source) is selected. When clicked, a Copy Preferences dialog will be displayed with:

  • the name of the user whose preferences are being copied
  • the copy option. One of:
    • All - copies all preferences
    • Selected - copies selected preferences
      A Select button will be displayed to select the preferences to copy
  • the user(s) to copy to
    Each user will be displayed in a table, with a tick box next to it, indicating if the user has been selected.
    Users may be filtered by their classification.


Clicking Apply or OK copies the preferences of the selected users with the source user, based on the copy option. The OK button closes the window after the copy is complete.
Clicking Cancel closes the window without making further changes.

Selecting Preferences to Copy

By default, copying preferences copies all preferences from the source user to the target users.

To limit it to a subset of user preferences, the Select button will display the source user's preferences. On the left of each preference will be a checkbox, indicating if the preference should be copied or not. It will be unticked by default.

When OK or Apply is pressed in the Copy Preferences dialog, only the selected preferences will be copied.

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