[Customer Module] One invoice per day?

Customer- Charges Is it only possible to have one invoice per day? In other words, if I have an animal in hospital for several days, do we need to create a new invoice each day they are in hospital or is it possible to have items from different dates on the same invoice? Matt

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Re: One invoice per day?

Hi Matt, The intention was to have one invoice for multiple days but the date entry on each item was missed. I have modified the item archetype to have and display a date for each item. The date will default to the current day but can be modified in the form. You will see this on the demo site in the next update. BTW it didn't require any code change at all. Just edited the archetype. Thanks Tony

Another example of archetyping strengths

I had wondered if that was all it required. This is a great example of the strength of archetypes. No redisgn of source code - No complicated redesigning of the screens, just a change in the definitions of the particular type of data entry, and almost automatically, problem solved! Thanks Tony.
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