Active Customers and Active Patients

Feature Request

We have a number of pets owned jointly.  

This means - all the owners are current owners but the dog will stay with one or the other at various times rendering that owner active

Currently the only way of switching is adding and removing end dates  and start dates

I propose that a pet could have multiple owners that only have a startdate, the active flag becomes a boolean switch that is rendered in the UI as a check box. 

Limit: A patient can only have 1 active owner.  I  understand a problem may come into historically billing 

Just a thought it may be restricted by the current business rules and framework but a thought none the less

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Re: Active Customers and Active Patients

The ownership dates are very important in OpenVPMS, as they affect historical reporting.
E.g., if you print an old Patient Form that includes the customer, the customer is determined by looking at the patient-owner relationship as at the Form's date.
Under your proposal, the Form would print differently based on the state of the active flag.

To manage history, I think joint ownership in the manner you describe needs to be handled by transferring ownership to the current carer. We could streamline this by:

  • enabling co-owners to be listed on the patient
  • make it easier to make a co-owner the current carer


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