Auto price update for same product but from different suppliers

Dear all OpenVPMS users,

Does anyone commonly order their stock (including medications and pet products) from more than one vet wholesalers? Recently we added a second vet wholesaler and we found the list price of the same products differs between the two suppliers. We always input our deliveries into OpenVPMS for inventory control. So when the 'Auto Price Update' function is ticked under each product for both suppliers, the sale price will be updated accordingly.

The problem that I found is if we have to order the same product item from different suppliers (for example when the product is out of stock from one supplier) and their list prices differ, then OpenVPMS may trigger a price drop (or price rise) which may not be what we intended to since OpenVPMS uses the list price to work on the markup.

I've come across other vet management databases and they handled such circumstances by allowing an extra tick box function for the item to only automatically update product price when the list price is higher than previous order but does nothing if the product list price drops. (You'll have to manually update the product sale price if it is a legitimate manufacturer price reduction)

Would anyone support this added function for OpenVPMS in the future?


Anthony (ActiVet)

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