Default Customer Email Contact


As a part of our Client Service, all team members are expected to ask and record an email contact address for our clients. Would anyone else agree that it would be beneficial for the default contact types to be standardised to:

  • Location Contact
  • Phone Contact
  • Email Contact


Asha Stott.

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Re: Default Customer Email Contact

Asha - I think that you need to clarify your suggestion.  Below is a New customer screen for 1.8

You can see that the Contact Types match your list. 

I suspect that what you may want to change is the default contact names. You can in fact change both by modifying the contact archetypes.

Here is the contact.location archetype:

You can modify both the Display Name, and the default value of the name node.

In our system we modified the Display Name to 'Address' because the staff found Contact Type=Address more understandable that 'Location Contact'.

A word of caution on the Contact Name for email contacts. Prior to 1.8 the default for this has been 'Email Address'. In 1.8 the default becomes the customer's First and Last names (as per the top screen shot).  The system also replaces 'Email Address' by firstName lastName when generating an email address. Hence if you are running 1.7 or earlier, it is best to leave the default value of the name node in the archetype as 'Email Address'.

If you are going to modify archetypes, read the whole of

Regards, Tim G


Re: Default Customer Email Contact

Creating of a empty email contact by default.

This has been discussed in the past.. Under the current setup adding a email by default at client creation causes some issues...

Emails is validated when the contact is created thus it locks the screen up if you try and exit without adding one...the only option is to delete the invalid contact using Ctrl D ...kludgy and not user friendly.




Re: Default Customer Email Contact

So am I reading this corectly?  At present, I can't make it a field that appears when I add a new client and make the staff fill it in?


Our policy on this is to fill it with an email address or "unsubscribe" so that we don't keep harassing them.  That would aleviate your kludginess!!! At least the field has something in it then.

Re: Default Customer Email Contact

Yes correct - at present if an email is added it will be saved immediately and it will be validated according to internet addressing standards.

If the address is blank or invalid it would throw an error and cause a potential lockup.

We could create a project that follows the following spec

1. Create the default email contact but dont save it (have to check with TimA on this)

2. During validation if it is blank when saving the contact it will be deleted. 

3.  If it is invalid throw a popup and check with the user. if still invalid delete it.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Default Customer Email Contact

There is a new project for this:


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