Error in Tomcat on install

Hi guys,

I am trying to install a test evaluation of OpenVPMS on our server. This has all the packages in the Linux guide installed and I have deployed the openvpms.war file in the Tomcat GUI. When I try to start it I get this error:


FAIL - Application at context path /openvpms could not be started

Any ideas how to fix this?

This is running Ubuntu Server 12.04 running Apache Tomcat 7. Also, openoffice is not in the Ubuntu repository, and it appears to be replaced by Libreoffice. How do I get Libre running with OpenVPMS as a headless service?

I have setup cron as follows:

 @reboot export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true
@reboot soffice.bin -headless -nofirststartwizard -accept="socket,port=8100;urp$
@reboot echo "cd /openvpms/files/openvpms-release-1.6.2/bin/" > /etc/cron.hourl$
@reboot echo "./ --byid --source /openvpms/files/openvpms-release-1.6$
@reboot chmod 755 /etc/cron.hourly/ 

I know I'm missing something stupid, so would appreciate if anyone could help me out.

Many thanks

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Re: Error in Tomcat on install

You'll have to look in the tomcat logs to track the problem down further.

If the app has partially launched, there should be an openvpms-full.log file in the directory that tomcat is launched from. Note that this depends a lot on how you launch tomcat, and the directory's write permissions. You can remove the guesswork by changing <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/openvpms/WEB-INF/classes/ to supply the directory to log to e.g. change:




so that openvpms-full.log is written to <TOMCAT_HOME>/logs/openvpms-full.log


As for OpenOffice, you could try the instructions for installing Apache OpenOffice from here:

Check the comments - they may apply.

Note that you don't have to start soffice as a headless service. OpenVPMS will take care of that for you. You just need to make sure that OpenOffice can write to the home directory of the user running Tomcat. On the demo site, this is /usr/share/tomcat6.

See this thread for more information:


Re: Error in Tomcat on install

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the detailed response. I decided to install this on a Windows. I have everything going fine, but I cannot login to OpenVPMS. The only error (and obviously this is the problem) is that when I run the command in <openvpms-tem-folder>:

 dataload setup

I get this response in the Command Prompt.

 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


I created the database and loaded db.sql and createdb.sql fine. I am guessing the above is the cause as to why I cannot login.

How do I fix this?


Thanks again


Hi Again,


I managed to see my problem. I never specified the Java path in Environmental Varables (Right Click Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environmental Variables > System Variables

I set the following at the end of the Path System Variable:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin;

As you will see from the below screenshots. I then did a reboot and everything works fine now.


This may help others if they get the same problem as I had

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