Kettle OpenVPMS Loader - problem with Account Type lookup

I am trying to load customer data (from an RxWorks conversion) and am having touble with the Account Type.  The field line reads:

Map to:  <party.customerperson>type[0]  
Exclude null: Y
Value: <lookup.customerAccountType>$value
Remove default objects: N

(I took this from the 'VC Customer - Information' sample transform and added an abort step.)

I get the error:
Customer.0 - Failed to process row 327: Failed to retrieve object: <lookup.customerAccountType>Normal
Abort.0 - Seen row nr 19 : [327], [Li], [Kiu Wing], [Miss], [null], [N], [2003/05/11 17:34:45.000], [Y], [Normal]

The output of the SQL query:
select lookup_id, name, code from lookups where arch_short_name = "lookup.customerAccountType";


lookup_id name code
257 Bad Debt BAD_DEBT
468 Cash Only CASH_ONLY
472 Creature Comforts CREATURE_COMFORTS
126 Monthly MONTHLY
157 Normal NORMAL
7 Pensioner PENSIONER
36 Personal Friend PERSONAL_FRIEND
366 Pet Shop Priviledge PET_SHOP_PRIVILEDGE
69 Staff Member STAFF_MEMBER
16 Valued Client VALUED_CLIENT

so 'Normal' is certainly there.  I adjusted the script step to capitalise to 'NORMAL' but the same error occurs.

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Kettle OpenVPMS Loader - problem with Account Type lookup

If you get the same error after capitalising ACCOUNTTYPE, there's a problem with your input step.

If its capitalising correctly, it will try and retrieve <lookup.customerAccountType>NORMAL

Re: Kettle OpenVPMS Loader - problem with Account Type lookup

Tim (A) - attached is the log and the Kettle transform.  As you will see from the log it is trying to retrieve NORMAL and its getting the error message:
Failed to retrieve object: <lookup.customerAccountType>NORMAL

Can you see what is wrong in the transform?
I am wondering if the sample has not been updated to reflect any changed archetype in 1.5.

Regards, Tim G

RxClient test2.ktr 12.75 KB

Re: Kettle OpenVPMS Loader - problem with Account Type lookup

OK - I think I see the problem.

The <archetype>$value form of the mapping is used when the value refers to an object identifier. As you have the lookup code rather than its identifier, you need to use the <archetype>name=value mapping.

In your case, it will be: <lookup.customerAccountType>code=$value

Re: Kettle OpenVPMS Loader - problem with Account Type lookup

Thanks Tim - I will add this into the documentation when I create it.

Regards, Tim G

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