Multiple reminders for single patient failing(?)

Greeting All,

I've been working through the process for generating reminders and have been testing in our practice version of OVPMS.  I have the individual templates, group reminders, print and email versions and almost everything else working.

I've noticed a problem when dealing with a single patient, however.  If I create an invoice with two vaccinations, one perhaps for parvovirus and another for rabies, each of which generates their own reminders, only one is saved.  Saving only one reminder also occurs if I go to the patient's medical record, reminders tab and manually insert multiple reminders.  Only the last saved is listed.

Is there an archetype cardinality that needs set somewhere, or something that I am not doing correctly?  I seem to be limited to one reminder per patient.





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Re: Multiple reminders for single patient failing(?)

Sam - are you sure that you have not bu accident set all your reminders in the same group.  To quote from

If you had created via Lookups|Reminder Group a group called say 'Patient Reminders', and then made all your reminders members of this group, then the effect would be as you described - ie creating a new reminder would compete an existing one.

In our setup we certainly run multiple reminders per patient - commonly 5 (rabies, G6, Bordetella, Worming & Proheart - for one I looked at).

We also have a setup in which there are almost as many reminder groups as reminder types - and in general reminder type xxxx is a member of the xxxx reminder group.  This was probably done to handle 'stopper reminders' - see the above reference. However, the only use of stopper reminders in the Desex case discussed in the above reference.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Multiple reminders for single patient failing(?)

Hi Tim...

I believe that this is exactly what I did... made them all members of the Vaccinations group.  I guess I just entirely misinterpreted that section on groups.  My (mis)understanding was that one placed those reminders in the same group that you wanted to potentially appear lumped together on a grouped reminder template.  Guess that's incorrect.  

Thanks very much for the clarification.  I'll restructure the reminders and do some more testing.  Knowing this might help with one of my other issues whereby I was trying to get a 3-year vaccination product to cancel the reminders for a 1-year vaccine.  Guess I may only need to throw those two products into the same group?  I'll clean up my mess and try that.

The light is flickering slightly brighter...



Re: Multiple reminders for single patient failing(?)

Sam - you are correct.  Itr sounds as though the only case in which you need the mutiple reminders to be members of the same reminder group is that for your 1-year/3-year vaccinations.  All the rest can have no reminder group membership.

However, you may need the Desex reminder/Desex stopper discussed in the documention.

Grouped Reminders & Reminder Groups: as you have discovered, these are two different things - see

I have also just edited both the 1.8 and 1.7 Concepts|Reminders text as follows:

Regards, Tim G


Re: Multiple reminders for single patient failing(?)

Awesome.  OK, I think I'm finally starting to see how this fits together.  Yes, I think I might have been thrown initially by the use of the term "Group" in different contexts... reminder group, group flag, grouped reminders... etc.  I just had a quick look through the thesaurus to see if another term might be used in place of "group" in some places.  Nothing really looked appealing.  A bevy of reminders?  Nah...

Thanks again,



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