[OpenVPMS Developers] Email Body has a maximum of 255

Message from benjamin.charlton@kalingaparkvetsurgery.com.au benjamin.charlton@kalingaparkvetsurgery.com.au

The email body has been created with a maximum size of 255 characters, this is not enough to send any decent email to a client. 

I would suggest it be handled in the same way we planned on handling

https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1120 [1]

ie increase the field to a 5000 character limit.  My understanding is that these messages are not saved so going even higher should not influence the database size or speed.


[1] https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1120

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Re: [OpenVPMS Developers] Email Body has a maximum of 255

You're talking about entity.documentTemplate? The emailText node is defined at 1000 characters at present.


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