OpenVPMS Kettle plugin - "Row doesnt contain value: {0}" error

I am using the Kettle OpenVPMS plugin to load customer data from an RxWorks client table.

I am getting "Row doesnt contain value: {0}" errors on every row.

In testing, I find that if the loader mappings are: 

Field name Map to Exclude null Value Remove default objects
Surname <party.customerperson>lastName N   Y
FirstName <party.customerperson>firstName N   Y
Initials <party.customerperson>initials Y   Y
Title <party.customerperson>title Y   Y
Company <party.customerperson>companyName Y   Y
CreatedDate <party.customerperson>createdDate Y   Y
oActive <party.customerperson>active Y   Y

Then the errors occur.  However, if all I do is remove the last mapping (ie the 'active' field) then there are no errors.

Since the transform I am using is fairly complex (to do the data cleanup), I built a second test transform with the minimum of steps but using the same mappings (including the active line) - this works with no error.

I am running Kettle 3.2.  In case they are of use I have attached the transform (RxClient 2) and the simplified test one (RxClient-Test), and the Kettle log files. (The 'bad' one contains the errors.)

Note that I have an Abort step at the end to limit processing to the first 50 records.  This also helfully dumps the data in the log file.

Does anyone have any clue as to what the error means and why I am getting it?

Regards, Tim

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Re: OpenVPMS Kettle plugin - "Row doesnt contain value: {0}" ...

Field names are case sensitive. You have "oACTIVE" in the "Strip unwanted" step, but "oActive" in the OpenVPMS Loader step. Try renaming oActive to oACTIVE.


Re: OpenVPMS Kettle plugin - "Row doesnt contain value: {0}" ...

Thanks Tim - I strongly suspected that it would be sensible to attached the transforms and logs.

I now understand that "Row doesnt contain value" means "you twit, you have specified a field name here that is not one of the input fields - check your spelling and capitalisation - also use Get Fields to grab the names of the incoming fields".

I found three more errors of the same type.

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