Patient Locations

Dear Forum Members,

I am having trouble using the patient locations relationship. I have the situation where a pet is owned by one person but kept at another's house. I have added the keeper as a new account. In the edit screen of the new keeper I have tried adding a patient location relationship but when I search for the patient no results are displayed. It doesn't matter what name I type, even Bella of which there are numerous, no patients show up in the find screen.

Any pointers from someone who uses this feature would be much appreciated.


Kind regards



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Re: Patient Locations

Hi Chris,

The patient location information is informational only and not used in any searches. So the patient will need to have a patient ownership relationship to appear in your searches by customer name and patient and will not appear if you enter the customer name of the location relationship.

Hope this makes sense.


Re: Patient Locations

Thanks very much Tony. Understood now.

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