What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Now that OpenVPMS 1.6 has been released, its time to discuss what you would like to see in the next release.

We aim to have a least 4 new features in each release. For a new feature to be included, it must be funded.

At the moment, the only new feature scheduled is the Automatic Order Generation support.

Here is a list of the current projects that are seeking funding, or under discussion:

  1. Prompt for letter parameters during invoicing
  2. Text filter on Summary tab of Patient Medical Records
  3. New Customer column in Investigations Workspace
  4. Display email addresses as first name and last name
  5. Schedule blocking
  6. Support for other customer and patient form content types
  7. Allow switching of payment type on finalised payments
  8. Add clinician to note header
  9. Add Notes section on Supplier
  10. Price batch update workspace
  11. Add recurrence to appointments
  12. Add support for invoice level discounts on ESCI invoices
  13. Add support for invoice allowances and charges
  14. Practice location product markups
  15. Support discount input as percentage
  16. Add date of birth to patient summary
  17. Display patient summary information when estimating and invoicing
  18. Address format customisation
  19. Sort customer's patients by date
  20. Quantity breaks
  21. All filter headers in application are fixed in the screen and do not scroll with the content below
  22. New Visit Invoice Selection
  23. OpenVPMS Internationalization
  24. Followup task list enhancements
  25. New style of document selector
  26. Multi-day schedules (for boarding)
  27. Price Export and Import
  28. Filter and sort patients by date
  29. Context sensitive help
  30. Adhoc SMS messages
  31. Patient Insurance
  32. Email addressing enhancements
  33. Enhance user authorities
  34. Enhance login security
  35. Reminder generation enhancements
  36. Link PDF documents to products
  37. Add support for different reminder templates per reminder count
  38. Reminder mail export to CSV
  39. Make the current context available to macros
  40. Add support to run a Jasper Report as a macro
  41. Date/time formatting functions
  42. Invoice notes linked to medical records
  43. SMS Appointment reminders (Automatic)
  44. SMS Appointment reminders (Manual)

You can find all the projects here.

If there are other projects that should be created, add a comment and a link to any existing forum topic.

If you want to discuss particular projects, or make a funding pledge, please click on the appropriate project link rather than commenting here.





This thread has got very long and address's many topics at this time it has been protected from future comments.  Anyone wishing to address a topic from this thread should create a new appropriately marked topic and do so in the new thread.



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Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?


    How big a project would it be to integrate the clinic scheduling feature of OPV with specific Google Calendars?

We use Google Apps to schedule our staff holidays.  It would be neat if say a vet nurse was on holiday (as marked on our Google calendar), then she would automtically become unavailable for appointment booking on our OPV calendar slots that are allocated to her.


There has been some discussion (but no project) here:


I would be willing to contribute to this project.




Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I am also very very interested in a) export to Google Calendar; b) import data from Google calendar back in again. The housecall business in the Hong Kong practice is fully driven by Google Calendar - with the calendar interface to the existing RxWorks system being provided by two humans who do the work of translating data between RxWorks and GC.

I have committed to provide an OpenVPMS to GC interface as part of the conversion from RxWorks to OpenVPMS. However, after some investigation I was coming to the conclusion that it would be easier to create a web application that would provide a version of the OpenVPMS schedule data that worked well on a modern smart phone.

However, the calendar integration approach has the major benefit that one can have OpenVPMS appointments appear in the Vet's personal calendar, and its easy to see where there are potential conflicts with personal/private matters.

For example, the vet needs to have "see bank manager about loan" and "lunch with Fred" in his/her diary/calendar, and the practice scheduler needs to see these slots are taken - but there is no reason for the rest of the staff to see this information.

Hence the ability to push OpenVPMS appointment data into a Google calendar would be of major benefit, and it would be really neat it the opposite was also possible, ie Rover's next visit, when entered into GC would also appear in OpenVPMS, and and non-recognised personal appointments would appear in OpenVPMS as "other Activity".

I will talk to the practice owners about support for this project.

Regards, Tim G  

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Why does the housecall business use Google Calendar? Is it so they can access appointments whilst on the road? If so, would a scheduling view optimised for mobile devices be more useful?

While it should possible to export and import data to some extent, I don't think it would be possible to input appointments with particular customers and patients into GC and have them also appear in OpenVPMS.

This is because the appointment text is freeform. If you could parse the customer and patient from the text, they could still map to multiple customers/patients within OpenVPMS.

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Tim A - yes its purely because he is on the road. Although he carries a laptop that uses a 3G wireless link to use Remote Desktop Access to get to the RxWorks running on the server at the office, his preference is to use Google Calendar on his smart phone to look at where the next appointment is. [The schedulers generate the GC entries containing patient, reason & owner name and address - eg Rover, G6 Vacc, Mrs Smith, 123 High St, Toytown.]  Before leaving for the day he may add some notes.  At/after the appointment he may make a entry for a future appointment.

So I am certain that a 'scheduling view optimised for mobile devices' plus the ability to block out slots for private time [perhaps with the reason field visible only to administrators and the vet] would meet the need.  However, I will check. [The practice manager has now confirmed this.]

Note that the 'mobile optimised' display might be best done, not using a column format, but a concat expression so that one can choose what is to be displayed and in what order.

Regards, Tim G

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Also see the Schedule Blocking project, which also covers staff leave.

This project should be implemented before supporting imports from other calendar sources, as it enables OpenVPMS to handle recurring calendar events.

Did you also want the appointments-by-clinician view as shown in the http://www.openvpms.org/discussion-about-layout link?


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

The things that would help us out the most are:

1) Bulk price updates. This has been discussed a little bit. Our preferred solution would be to allow an import via CSV with new sets of information. I'm sure there's some way to use Kettle to do this, but we haven't learned how to do it, and I suspect many other clinics as well would not be inclined towards that solution. Ideally this would allow us to update: effective date of price, product description, fixed price, unit price, etc. It would also allow setting of the effective _end_ date of the previous price (to create a transition on a particular date to the new price).

2) Boarding schedule. This was discussed briefly here: http://www.openvpms.org/forum/boarding-schedule-view

3) Internationalization. I know there are still a lot of open questions around this. We've managed just fine, but for compliance purposes we sure would feel better if we could put US sales tax on our invoices. Even if the implementation isn't perfect, it would be helpful. Where needed, I can do the research to find the right calculations here. I know there's been a lot of discussion as to which rounding methods to use and any other US specific items. I also know a little bit about taxation in the UK where there are some related requirements for VAT.. see here at HMRC: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/vat/managing/charging/vat-invoices.htm.

We're willing to chip-in some money for any of these three. My feeling is that the most benefit to all would come from number 1 there.

Cheers, Paul

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Paul - as regards bulk price updates, Kettle is not a solution because of the need to close off the previous price - see http://www.openvpms.org/forum/price-startend-times - and the fact that the OpenVPMS Loader plugin is a loader, not an updater.  That is, there is no ability with the OpenVPMS plugin to say 'update record xxx to set field yyyy to zzzz'.

I suspect that a good bulk updater needs to be able to handle a) a csv file of product names and their new cost prices and markups; b) set new price using current cost with new markup c) do b) for specified product types, classifications and product name selections; d) do a) and c) for a give 'as from' date.

Regards, Tim G

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Paul, I've added projects for both boarding and bulk price updates (see points 26 and 27 above).

With regards to internationalisation, see the http://www.openvpms.org/project/openvpms-internationalization link.


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?



Our wishlist (in rough order) is:

1) Price Batch Update - Think about home much time is spent individually updating item prices... In addition for us we would like to increase prices over specific periods (e.g. a public holiday) and then drop back to normal levels a few days later. This is basically impossible to do with the current system. I thing this one would pay for itself many times over for most practices in very little time at all. Once a year price update -> Easy!1) https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-975 - Follow Up Work Lists.

2) Email Address Default Improvements - Mentioned in my last post. Not yet costed.

3) Customer Patient Date Sort Order Issue - We add wildlife and strays into Open. We accumulate large numbers of patients in these files. Sorting and finding patients is a major issue. This would make it much easier to sort by date of admission/entry.

4) http://www.openvpms.org/project/allow-switching-payment-type-finalised-invoices - As long as administrator controlled. Perhaps password protect on each change so if someone has left an administrator account open this can't be done by a random staff member.

5) Scrolling Filter Headers

We will contribute to at least the first four if there is sufficient interest to get these across the line.

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I've created a project for bulk price updates at http://www.openvpms.org/project/bulk-price-update and one for the Customer Patient Date Sort issue at http://www.openvpms.org/project/filter-and-sort-patients-date

Post any requirements to those projects, and I'll add them into the specification.

Security, Roles, and Users

Firstly let me start by saying that I think adding or improving this area of Openvpms is required in 1.7 for 2 reasons...

1. The existing implementation doesnt really work beyond preventing logins.

see my previous posts.


also see


2.  Queensland health is currently on a ramage through vet clinics to "clean up".  They want to stop vet nurse dispensing of drugs, stop vet nurses placing drug orders (of any sort).   To manage this electronically is actually a breach of the Drug and Poisons act in Queensland.   Provet has managed to get some sort of provisonal approval for Eorder. but it needs to be set up so only vets can send orders.  In effect this means to have OpenVpms legitimized we need to ensure we can manage roles and tasks effectively.

I would envisage the system simplyfying the existing system as well as making it functional - Ie it produces a usable error explaining how to adjust a users security if they cannot perform a task they attempt...

Also if a user as CREATE priv they must have a save priv.  no point otherwise. At the moment these sorts of things are not well managed or explained.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: Security, Roles, and Users

Ben, I've set up a new project for this here: http://www.openvpms.org/project/enhance-openvpms-user-authorities


Re: Security, Roles, and Users

Ben/Tim A - would it be sensible to also create a project on beefing up the login security so as to provide:

  • password length/quality enforcement
  • lockout on exceeding max retries
  • ability for used to be able to reset their own password

However, I don't think that this application requires the 'must change password after specified period' and 'new password cannot match any of the previous N versions' features.

Regards, Tim

Re: Security, Roles, and Users

I've created the Enhance login security project for this.

-Tim A

Re: Security, Roles, and Users


On the note of login security and the such. This all tends to be a moot point if, as in my clinic, people don't log out of OVPMS when they are finished using it. I have discussed an autologout feature before with Tony DK but apparently this is not possible in the current version. At the moment our terminals are set to automatically reset after a period of inactivity thus loging the user out of OVPMS. This is cumbersome.

Surely to make permissions, login, security and the such really robust there needs to be a reliable way to automatically log people out of OVPMS after a period of inactivity, thus preventing users from just using someone elses account that has been left open?

Re: Security, Roles, and Users

I've updated the project to add support for auto-logout after a configurable period of time


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Hi Everyone,

A number of customers are using external marketing companies to send reminder letters.  Currently they run a custom report to get an export list of specific reminder types and then send this to the external marketing company.  They then need to somehow process these reminders in OpenVPMS, typically by setting the specific reminder types and count to list only.  

Ideally it would be better to to able to nominate specific reminder type types and counts for export (Export tick box maybe) and during reminder processing (Send All) a file would be generated and downloaded to the browser for the user to save and send to the marketing company.  This way export and list reminders would be separated.

I think one or more of these marketing companies may be willing to sponsor this development.

Cheers Tony

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I would like to see an ability for "forms" to be able to store PDF documents. This would be useful for handout sheets that come as PDFs and would save having to reformat into Word or Writer documents in order to be supported and then linked to invoice items


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I've created the following project for this: http://www.openvpms.org/project/link-pdf-documents-products


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

We would like number 21, fixed headers that do not scroll. It is very time consuming to have to scroll down a page, then back up to the top to get to the next page when looking through a long history.

Not sure if others find this a problem?


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

That project has been costed and is seeking funding.

You can make sure it meets your requirements, and fund it here: http://www.openvpms.org/project/all-filter-headers-application-are-fixed...



Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?


A few wishes

- easier localization between versions

- automatic  function for sending SMS and or email when clients book an appointment and 24 hours before to remind(with enable/disable on customer level).

- automatic email of PDF invoice (enable/disable on customer level)

- pricelist report with cost and sales price (to check for mistakes)

- report with sales totals of products and/or productgroups over time (including revenue and sales-cost)

- performing clinician and payment type on invoices

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

1. What sort of localisation changes are you after? Can you post your comments to http://www.openvpms.org/project/openvpms-internationalization ?

2. There is a project for automatic appointment SMS reminders, currently seeking funding. See http://www.openvpms.org/project/sms-project-appointment-reminders-automatic

3. In 1.6, there is the option to email an invoice when finalising it. This is done via the Mail button on the print dialog. Or are you trying to avoid some clicks?

4. I can add projects for the various reports, but you may find that someone one the forums already has what you want.


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?


I would like to see OK changed to PRINT, as in my head OK means OK I've finished or want to move on and Print means print, (often print large documents instead to hitting cancel I hit OK.)



Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

There is a move to introduce a univerally recognised nomenclature for easy record searching and clinical auditing. The Royal Veterinary College is doing some research into this and University of Sydney is in collaboration. Reasons for this are to map disease and genetic defect epidemiology and also to help with quality control. In a large practice quality control is important but I can also see major trageted marketing opportunities for this as well.


The nomenclature information is at www.venomcoding.org/


I would like to see this incorporated into OpenVPMS. I see probably incorporating it into "Problems" and possibly having it linked to documents by way of handout sheets without it necessarily having to be on an invoice as a line item (which is currently what we do for conditions where we print a lot of handout sheets after making a diagnosis, especially for things like behaviour etc).


What do people think - would allow easy searching getting away from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.



Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

In general I think its a good idea, although I'm not familiar with VeNom - I've just requested a copy of the codes.

The alternative would be to use the veterinary subset of SNOMED-CT.


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I strongly agree with Amanda. Incorporating standardised medical record diagnostic coding will make the 'Problem' field much more useful in terms of searching the database and auditing. It is a golden standard for medical record keeping. It is regretable that vets do not generally use any standardised nomenclature routinely for medical records especially when a lot of vets are using electronic vet database softwares already nowadays.

Most vet database/management softwares that I know have something similiar to Open's 'Problem' field and reports can be easily generated for statistic purposes. Just imagine if vets can colaborate and submit clinical diagnostic data to a central body like the country's vet association or something for epidemiology studying (similar to human medicine except that's the job of government institutes). This would certainly benefit future research for the vet industry as a whole. I could only wish...



Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I've started putting together a project to add support for VeNom codes here: http://www.openvpms.org/project/venom-coding

Please review it; any comments I will feed back into the specification.



Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Many thanks Tim! My wife has qualification in Health Information Management and she had worked as a medical record manager at a Sydney hospital. She is familiar with human ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding. I'd get her to have a look at VeNom and your specifications before commenting.

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I have a suggestion in relation to seaching clients, patients or products. Currently, we can utilise the check box to 'Include Deactivated' client/patient/product when performing a search. However, there is no way to tell which is an active vs deactivated item when the list comes up. Users either know what they are looking for specifically (from memory) or have to click into the item to verify its status (whether Active or not). It would make more sense if the provision of a mark/sign (like an asterisk) next to the client/patient/item id or an addition column field to highlight the deactivated items.

Would it be a difficult task to incoporate this function? We would be very happy to contribute if it makes its way to become a project :)


Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Pop up text box or similar warning of "Item out of stock" when an item with zero stock levels is billed - or more than the number in stock are billed (billing 30 tablets when there are only 20 in stock). Whilst it will not be perfect, it may allow you to choose another comparable item or at least warn the client that it will be a day or so before that item will be available.

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I've added a new project for this. Please comment on it directly here: Out of stock warning.



Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

What quite a number of my customers would like changed is a simpler way to add Microchip details when entering new patients as well as billing Microchip products.  I think this would involve.

1.  Marking specific products as Microchip and when billed prompt for Microchip number and save as Microchip identity. Thsi may be able to be integrated as an update rather than a specific Microchip check box field.

2.  Add a Microchip field in the patient display which displays the most recent Microchip identity for the patient or , if none and a Microchip number entered adds the entered Microchip number as an identity.

Cheers Tony

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

I've created http://www.openvpms.org/project/microchip-entry-billing for this.



Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Hi Tony,

Would you mind expanding on point #1 above on 'billing microchip products'? Do you mean invoicing a microchip for a patient after implantation? I think this will definitely help reduce the current steps of inputting the microchip number and also the likelihood of staff forgetting to add the microchip number for the patient.


Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?


I am relatively new to Open VPMS so these may be features that I am just not aware of but things that would really save me time are:

1) Having a 'New' button next to patient breed. This might not be an issue for smallies vets but as a horse vet there are no breeds in there and every time I get something a bit wierd or a cross breed I have to stop half way through filling in patient details, get out of patient, go to admin, lookups, breed, new etc etc then go back into the patient and fill it in. Is there an easier way or is this something that could be added?

2) I'm sure this probably can be done but I can't find it anywhere, when emailing an invoice, can you have it so it automatically comes up with a template in the email ('Your invoice is attached, please remit payment at your earliest convenience...')? I can see the project 'Prompts for letter paramenters while invoicing' but I think that is different letters for different items you have invoiced? I am just after a standard wording when I send an invoice so I don't have to type it each time!

3) Dental Charts I realise that this is a pretty small target audience but as an equine dental vet this is all I do. At the moment is all paper, then transcribe to Open VPMS when I get home = very time consuming. If I had an electronic dental chart, could it be attached to the patient visit and emailed to the client?

Thanks so much in advance!


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?


I am relatively new to Open VPMS so these may be features that I am just not aware of but things that would really save me time are:

1) Having a 'New' button next to patient breed. This might not be an issue for smallies vets but as a horse vet there are no breeds in there and every time I get something a bit wierd or a cross breed I have to stop half way through filling in patient details, get out of patient, go to admin, lookups, breed, new etc etc then go back into the patient and fill it in. Is there an easier way or is this something that could be added?

2) I'm sure this probably can be done but I can't find it anywhere, when emailing an invoice, can you have it so it automatically comes up with a template in the email ('Your invoice is attached, please remit payment at your earliest convenience...')? I can see the project 'Prompts for letter paramenters while invoicing' but I think that is different letters for different items you have invoiced? I am just after a standard wording when I send an invoice so I don't have to type it each time!

3) Dental Charts I realise that this is a pretty small target audience but as an equine dental vet this is all I do. At the moment is all paper, then transcribe to Open VPMS when I get home = very time consuming. If I had an electronic dental chart, could it be attached to the patient visit and emailed to the client?

Thanks so much in advance!


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Kirsten - herewith my responses:

1) (new breed) I understand the problem (and we had to make my son (who does house-call work) an administrator so that he could add new new breeds).  There are two problems with simply adding a New Breed button: a) how to ensure the quality of the data - you trust yourself, but would you trust your reception staff; b) if one adds a New Breed button, then why not a new suburb button, and a new ... button.

Having just converted a system that ran on RxWorks for 10 years - which allows very easy addition of new breeds and suburbs and .... - the junk that appears in the system is amazing - would you believe 10 ways to spell Shih Tzu.

Recommendation: in the field when you are in a hurry - don't worry about the breed, leave it as None. Alternatively, use the New Window icon to open a second window and leave that sitting at Admin|Lookups|Breed.

What we get reception to do: tell them to leave the Breed at None, but use WorkFlow|Messaging to send a message to the administrator to add breed xxxx for patient nnnnn.


2) 'canned' text for emails: easy - use the macro facility to create a macro containing the text you want, so all you have to do is type @inv (or whatever) and your test comes out.

3) dental charts: (or any other attachment) -easy - if you have a digital image, then you can attach it to the patient using Patients|Medical Records|Documents|New|Attachment.

I assume that you have some sort of paper chart of teeth that you makes notes on (like my dentist does). When you get home, run this through the scanner and attach to the patient.


Hope this helps,  Regards, Tim G

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Thanks Tim. :)

Shame about the breed, I have never had the problem with anything else, the suburbs are perfect, they have all been in there, it is just breeds I have problems with as there don't appear to be any horse breeds in the system so as I am just starting with Open VPMS it means entering them pretty much every day. Anyway, I understand what you are saying, certainly in my situation the benefits of a 'new' button (even just in the administrator settings?) would far outweigh any negatives but I understand it may not for everyone.


Thanks so much again, I really appreciate your help!


Kind regards


Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Kirsten - attached is a file containing a set of horse and pony breeds (lifted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_horse_breeds). If you edit it to leave what you need, I can turn that into a file that can be loaded. Note that you need to decide whether you hold the ponies separately (as species say 'Pony') or whether you want them all under 'Horses', or indeed whether you want to split Horses further into some semi artificial division so that the number of breeds in each 'species' is not huge.

I need a file containing just the breed on each line (ie you have to edit "Waler horse, also known as Waler or Australian Waler" into what you want - eg "Waler") grouped under each 'species'.

Note also that if you want to hold crosses as well then you need to add these in (for eample we have Beagle, Beagle Cross, Beagle X Collie, Beagle X German Shepherd, Beagle X Shih Tzu).

I can then turn that list into something that can be loaded.

Send the modified text to tim dot gething at bigpond dot com

Regards, Tim G

horsebreeds.txt 9.74 KB

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Individual litter vaccination certificates with next vaccination due dates (and all vaccination certificates with next vacc due date).

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Q1: what is an 'individual litter certificate' [forgive me I am a programmer, not a vet]

Q2: how do you calculate the next due date?   For one of ours, where I was asked to to put in a 3 year expiry date, I set the OpenOffice Date field to be today's date (ie the Vaccination date) plus 1095 days - OpenOffice will not allow you to generate 'today + 3 years' and so you get:

If 2016 was not a leap year the expiry date would have been Mar 13, 2017.

Regards, Tim G

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Its a good question Tim.  - We generate International Rabies Movement certs all the time....at the moment I manually generate the expiry date.  Mind you we also need a "Effective date" which is Vaccination date + 21 days.  I had thought we could use Xpath functions but at the moment we dont have the support.  

As to Q1 - when a vet vaccinates a litter of puppies it is generally recorded as one patient (mind you this happens a lot less now in AU due to the fact we microchip as well...which means each pet needs a file.   Hence for the 1 "patient" ie Litter you might need to generate 10 Vacc certs which are generic enough to use for all the Puppies....(both male and female)

Personally I dont see how this would happen so we manually fill out the booklets which are colourful and pretty. and give them to the breeder, with a  welcome letter to try and attract the new owner to the clinic.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?


a) date + 21 - piece of cake - OO can generate today+21  [just as I used today+365 to get a year ahead]

b) generate 10 certs for Puppy01 through Puppy15 with sex specified - humm - have 15 parameters Puppy1 Sex, thru Puppy15 Sex - you enter M, F or nothing.  The OO code displays only those with M or F - but given the 'parameters are presented in random order' this would be really really ugly.  Better to use JasperReports then you could prompt for Name (default to 'Puppy'), number of females, number of males.

Alternatively just generate a certificate with as much details as possible and then a set of boxes where you put in by hand: name, colour, sex (which could be an M and an F checkbox - or check the M or F column)

Regards, Tim

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

The drama is you shouldnt be using today() as the code...you should be using startdate...to allow for retrospective generation of vaccination certificate.  Startdate is a string ...hence +21 and +365 doesnt work

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

How about a reminder:nextDue(act) function?

This would return the next due date of the supplied reminder act, or null if there are none.

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

Tim - I am not sure that this in itself would help. If you are generating a vaccination cerificate then you have the product and the patient, but not a reminder act. If you are using the history:medication functions in a report macro - then you have the act.patientMedication's but I don't think this allows you to get to the reminders.

I suspect that the required suite includes:

  1. get date of last use of product (currently I use the current date when the certificate is printed, but date of last use would be better)
  2. get date + interval (eg date + n years, + n months, + n weeks, +n days)
    ie date:add(date,number,interval)
  3. get reminder info - reminder:nextDue($patient,$product), and reminder:numberSent($patient,$product)

Regards, Tim G

Re: What do you want to see in the next release of OpenVPMS?

You can get a act.patientReminder for a vaccination certificate via:


as per https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-768

Not sure why you need 2. Isn't reminder:nextDue() sufficient?

For 3, the reminderCount node of act.patientReminder tells you have many times its been sent.



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