Where are status colours set?

I can find where the reminder colours are set, I know how to set the Appointment Type and Task Type colours - but where are the status colours set?

Or are they fixed?

Regards, Tim

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Re: Where are status colours set?

In default.stylesheet in.....

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat n.n\webapps\openvpms\WEB-INF\classes\org\openvpms\web\resource\style.

Stop Tomcat.

Make a backup somewhere safe!

Edit with your favorite text editor (I use UltraEdit)

Jump to about line 475 - the various statuses start there:

Look for something like <property name="background" value="#dbf714"/>

Change the value (eg dbf714) to the html colour you want (I normally have PSP 7.04 or X open in a separate window, and pick my colour from its palette - see below).

Save and Restart Tomcat.

You will lose all these colours settings whenever you upgrade OV and will have to do it all again.

I usually change Waiting and Billed to brighter colours, default on left, my mods on right (which I hadn't done since the last beta upload so here is what we normally try to have).


Re: Where are status colours set?

Thanks Yuri - I too am a happy UltraEdit user - I make constant use of its find in files facility, but I didn't find this.

Regards, Tim G

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