Tab select

Is it possible to have the contents of a textbox automatically be selected when it receives focus via a tab? This would save time when going back into customer select box and gaving to remove the contents that are there. Matt

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Re: Tab select

I'd also like to see "tab order" configurable if possible (so, for example, tabbing through the address for example goes from name to address to city to state to zip). This may be there already and I just don't know how to set it up in the db :) Lee

further suggestions for tab

is it possible to use the tab as a select button by holding it down for half a second? Or, if not, I think the computer differentiates the "return" & "enter" keys, so could you use the enter key in that fashion, so it normally tabs, but if you hold, it selects? Just means one less keystroke. I'd find it useful, maybe I'm alone on that?

Re: Tab select

Probably not Mike. The application interface is that of a browser and it does set some limitations on how much you can trap the users actions. Also setting timed events may interfere with things like key-repeat. Note the behaviour of Enter and Tab is quite different in OpenVPMS. Enter- acts to complete an entry or expand a macro. eg. 1bid in the labels expands to "Give one {unit} twice daily". -1y-4m in the age box expands to 1 year 4 months Tab - purely controls focus. Focus control is a difficult area in web applications - so expect some work with that. That also relates to your point Lee, although your point is better answered by someone wiser then I. Matt

tab vs enter vs return

you'll probably have the same answer Matt, but I meant to compare the uses of enter (on a Mac it's on the numerical pad) v return (on the QWERTY pad). I've seen some applications where these have different uses (ie Quicken)

Apple ignorance

Wasn't aware of that Mike. I like the Apple television commercials but apart from growing up in a fruit and veg shop, my knowledge of Macs is very poor. Matt :)
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