Supplier/Vet/Vet Practice listing


This suite is for listing

  • Supplier Organisations (and optionally their representatives)
  • Veterinary Practices (and optionally their vets)
  • Veterinarians (and optionally their practices)

In all cases contacts can be optionally displayed.

The parameter screen for the Practices report is:

The other two are similar.

The explanatory text for the Practices report is:

"This report lists the active Veterinary Practices whose names match the Name Selection parameter.

The selection field entered has % added so that leaving it blank will find all, and entering say %valley will find all suppliers containing 'valley' in their name, and e will include all practices starting E.

In the contact lines, in the Pref column an asterisk (*) indicates a preferred contact, and the Type column indicates the contact type, E-email, P=phone, W=website, A=address/location."

The other two are similar. [The website contact type is there because we have added this as a contact type - see ]


  • All three reports need the Supplier Contacts subreport
  • Supplier Organisations needs the Supplier Reps subreport
  • Vet Practices needs the Vets subreport
  • Veterinarians needs the Practices subreport


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