1.7 Alpha 5248 Customer Account Type - can't edit

The Account Type tab is not present on the Customer|Info|edit screen. [I am certain it used to be there.]

Below is a screen shot showing the Customer Info screen in the background and the edit screen in the foreground. Note that ther are 8 tabs in the background and only 6 in the foreground. I am happy about Appointments not being on the edit screen, but Account Type should be there.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha 5248 Customer Account Type - can't edit

Its there, below Active. 

In 1.6, it was rendered as a palette when editing. This was unecessary, as it has a 0..1 cardinality.

In 1.7, it now renders as a drop-down when editing.

When viewing, its displayed in a tab, so you can see credit limit and payment terms etc. An alternative would be to render it with a button to view the payment terms. The advantage of the tab is that it has a short-cut.


Re: 1.7 Alpha 5248 Customer Account Type - can't edit

Thank heavens - at least I don't have to re-do the 10 screen shots of the tabs.  it is amazing what you do not notice when you don't expect it.

Apologies for bothering you.

Regards, Tim G

Re: 1.7 Alpha 5248 Customer Account Type - can't edit

No problems. There will be a few more screen updates before 1.7 final, but I'll update the help.

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