1.7 Alpha CSH - need check of Stylesheet help text

Can someone have a look at http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/admin/stylesheet and correct any lies I have told. (I generated the text simply fromexperimenting with what the screen does.)

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha CSH - need check of Stylesheet help text

Its more or less correct. With the export facility, you can make the changes permanent by:

1. copying the properties to a default-<width>x<height>.properties file; and

2. placing this file in <TOMCAT HOME>\webapps\openvpms\WEB-INF\classes\org\openvpms\web\resource\style.

So that OpenVPMS can find it, it needs to be referred to by the <TOMCAT HOME>/webapps/openvpms/WEB-INF\classes/org/openvpms/web/resource/style/default-resolutions.properties file.

The web app needs to be restarted to pick up these properties.

-Tim A

Re: 1.7 Alpha CSH - need check of Stylesheet help text

Thanks Tim - have updated the help page (and I now understand why the Export shows only a small amount of data for other than the default resolutions).

Regards, Tim G

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