1.7 Alpha To many work lists showing

As you can see from the screen shot below, I am checking in a patient and am at the work list select screen.

You can see that the PracticeLocation is set to Creature Comforts, but I have all possiblem work lists to choose from.

CC has two work list views set for the PracticeLocation, CC and Messages, and each of these just contain the CC worklist and Messages worklist respectively.

The system seems to be offering every worklist defined in the system. I would have though that it should only offer those worklists that are part of worklist views that are defind for the practice location.

Regards, Tim G

PS - those who have been following the discussion on what the Find button should be labeled will see that I have tweaked messages.properties to adjust the label. I am not sure that I like Find/Refresh.

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Re: 1.7 Alpha To many work lists showing

Work list selection isn't constrained to the current practice location.

To do this, it would need to determine the available work lists by examining the location's work list views. Raised as OVPMS-1336

-Tim A

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