1.7 Alpha - Suppliers|Deliveries|New - F1 fails

As you can see from the picture below, there is a problem with the Suppliers|Deliveries|New screen - when you press F1 it does not try to call the CSH URL.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha - Suppliers|Deliveries|New - F1 fails

Do you want it to launch the supplier/delivery/new URL, or a supplier/delivery/order URL?

Note that the same URL will be launched for both deliveries and returns.


Re: 1.7 Alpha - Suppliers|Deliveries|New - F1 fails

Tim - you can't use supplier/delivery/new - that is already in use for the Confirm New window.

I guessed supplier/delivery/select when I built the CSH page - see http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/supplier/delivery/select

Regards, Tim G

Re: 1.7 Alpha - Suppliers|Deliveries|New - F1 fails

OK - changed to supplier/delivery/select in revision 5308.



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