IntelliJ config issue?

Greetings All,

I've got 1.8 running on my test server but am modifying in IntelliJ to switch the order of the medical records.  Running Maven build on the OpenVPMS Web App yields an exit code of 0 in skip-tests mode.  Once I push the .war file over to to the test server, however, it fails to run.

Just wondering if it is a config error in IntelliJ.  I'm running Java8 and Tomcat7.0.64 on the server, and Java8 on my build machine.  Wondering how I should set up javac in IntelliJ.  Project bytecode version is set for 1.7 but the bytecode versions for all the projects seem to be defaulting to 1.5 or 1.6. Any problem here or should I be looking elsewhere?

The change in PatientHistoryQuery is identical to the change I made in 1.7, and if memory serves me correctly, replacing the app in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ was all that was needed to successfully deploy it.  Am I forgetting something? 


Sam Longiaru



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Re: IntelliJ config issue?

Building 1.8 (or 1.9 for that matter at the moment), uses a database named openvpms-1_8; this is defined in the root pom.xml.

You need to build with the release profile for it to generate with the openvpms database URL i.e.:

mvn -Prelease -DskipTests clean install 


Re: IntelliJ config issue?

Thanks Tim...

That got me started... the error messages did the rest.  I didn't realize that one needed to have access to a running mysql server on the build machine for all this to happen.  Took me a while to sort out the database, permissions and dependencies but I think I've got it working now.  I've successfully rebuilt the release .zip, so I suspect all will be good from here... (famous last words)...


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