Invoice items missing from statement - help

I have just realised that I am missing something in my conversion.  Although if one uses the Customers|Account screen all the invoices and their items are present, if one prints a statement then the converted invoices (those on 18/10/13) have no items showing, but the post conversion ones (those on 11/11) do - see below.

What linkage have I not built?

[Note that we don't document on where the statement items are coming from, and looking at the source I cannot understand where get_acts is getting its data.]

Regards, Tim G

Below is the first invoice on 18/11 on the Customers|Charges screen - as you can see the items are there.

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Re: Invoice items missing from statement - help

The statement template will only print the items if the invoice hasn't been printed already (i.e Printed is false).

-Tim A

Re: Invoice items missing from statement - help

Ahah - I found the code that does that.  I am about to tweak the CSH text to include this info.

At least I do not have a whole lot of work to do in modifying my kettle transforms.

Thanks, Tim G

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