"One Click" printing with cups-pdf on ubuntu?

Hello all.

I was experimenting with achieving one-click printing using the cups-pdf virtual printer on ubuntu server.  I added the printer in OPV, and then unchecked "interactive" for various forms.  The goal is that the print window will open and when I hit print, a PDF will appear for checking and printing.  This would slightly speed up label printing etc without the hassle of setting up a VPN.

Trouble is that the output of CUPS-PDF goes to a user home folder on the ubunutu server, not the client computer.  Anyone found a way to output CUPS-PDF to the local OpenVPMS screen?

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Re: "One Click" printing with cups-pdf on ubuntu?

I don't think its possible. Whats the issue with setting up a VPN?

Re: "One Click" printing with cups-pdf on ubuntu?

I think you may be right.  It probably isn't possible with cups-pdf.


We found setting up a VPN on Amazon EC2 challenging.  We looked at OpenVPN and IPSec.  We were unsure if the VPN server had to be on the same EC2 instance as OpenVPMS, and how to route traffic throught it.  If anyone has a handy tutorial, please shout!

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