OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

Hi all,

      OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 is now available.

You can download it from:

I've also updated the demo at with this version.

Many thanks to Matt Young and the team at Companion Animal Veterinary Hospital for putting the first beta through its paces.




Release Notes - Version 1.6-beta-2


  • [OVPMS-1124] - Patient letters download as PDF documents when printed
  • [OVPMS-1125] - Documents set for immediate printing aren't printed during checkout/consult workflows
  • [OVPMS-1127] - Dollar values in the integrated view are displayed as Pounds
  • [OVPMS-1184] - NullPointerException thrown if a Jasperreport doesn't have a summary band


  • [OVPMS-999] - Automatically expand product templates
  • [OVPMS-1112] - Include contact.phoneNumber areaCode when sending SMS messages
  • [OVPMS-1126] - Display patient microchip in summary
  • [OVPMS-1206] - Enable document archetypes to be restricted in DocumentLoader when using -byid to restrict accidental replacement

New Feature

  • [OVPMS-1000] - Generate visit and invoice notes when present in template products
  • [OVPMS-1114] - Add support to copy appointments
  • [OVPMS-1225] - Add ability to define Other payment Types

Subscription Reminder

OpenVPMS 1.6 includes a subscription reminder feature. The current subscription status, including it's status is displayed on the login page. If you are already a subscriber, you can request a subscription key by mailing subscription[at]openvpms[dot]org, otherwise follows the prompts.

Migrating from earlier versions

If you are migrating from a previous version (including 1.6-beta-1), you need to reload archetypes using the archload script in the <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin directory:


The report templates in the <OPENVPMS_HOME>/reports have been updated to support emailing (see OVPMS-1094). These can be loaded using the templateload script.

templateload ../reports/templates.xml

Only do this if you *haven't* customised the templates.

Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

With these betas, can I comment here - on-list, or off-list?


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

Here's good.

Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

I've been trying out v1.6b2 on my "learning" machine and overall think it's going to be great. 

I like the tabs for Summary, Invoice, Alerts, Documents, etc - though it'll take a bit of getting used to (not hitting "completed" or "in progress" at invoicing when all you want to do is to jump back to summary and notes).  The "Note" however still blocks all the other windows and you need to "Ok" or "Cancel" to get rid of it and get back to the tabs. Is it possible to have the "Note" open in a tab, rather than a window?

I love the email button; I note that the email address that shows in the left window under the customer name is chosen by alphabetical order (if there's more than one email address in the customer contacts).  I accept that you can select an alternate email address from the drop-down box in the compose window, but could we have a "preferred" check-mark for email address?  

Also the To: field shows lastname, firstname <email address> as per the the left summary screen: is it possible to have the To: field read as firstname lastname <email address>? - it looks a little friendlier and less "computer generated" smiley.

And whilst on the left summary screen, I still think the displayed phone number in the left window should be the preferred number, not the home number.  OTOH, the microchip number visible in left screen is excellent - no more having to quit a note in a consult to check if a patient is microchipped.

The SMS functionality is almost there: it works for stripping out everything except a hyphen so that
(0412) 345 678 (ask for Jane) resolves to 0412345678[at][dot]au correctly, but
(0412) 345-678 (ask for Jane) resolves to "0412345[at][dot]au" as per image below:

I do like the subtle (?) reminder to triallers reminding them to pay their subscription once they've decided to implement OV in their practice.  Maybe also limit triallers to, say, 40 customers and 100 patients, which should generate more than enough data for meaningful trial and evaluation  to be undertaken.


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

Thanks for the feedback Yuri.

1. It might be possible to have the Add Visit & Note button display the note in a tab; it is displayed in a new window for simplicity of implementation. How would you envisage it working? One possibility:

  • click on Add Visit & Note button
  • new "Add Visit & Note" tab is added and switched to.
  • can switch to other tabs - the new visit and note is not visible in the Summary tab until Apply is clicked
  • on Apply, the new visit and note is saved and displayed in the summary
  • if the Add Visit & Note button is clicked whilst the Add Visit & Note tab is displayed, it prompts to save the existing note if modified, before replacing it with an empty note.

Would you also edit the other records in a new tab?

2. I've raised the preferred email address support as

3. I've raised the first-name last-name email address support as

4. I've raised the preferred phone number support as

5. I've raised the SMS hyphen issue as

With the exception of OVPMS-1227 (a bug), the other JIRAs (improvements) need to be funded.



Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

Let's make a deal!

Bundle 1228 and 1230 together attracting a *single* $190 development fee plus the total time of three hours and I'll stump up for the two projects.


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

Works for me. Send a mail to op_funding[at][dot]au including a link back to this thread.



Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released



Dual New Projects - Created and fully funded in ONE day!

This has to be a record. Projects created and fully pledged in one day!

Here is the project link for Jiras 1228 and 1230

And here is a project link for Jira 1229 which is costed at $437.50 and current sits at 0% funded.




Appointment notes display pointing to incorrect appointment

Hi Guys Ive noticed in 1.6 beta 2 that when u hover on an appointment note, the bubble "points" to the appointment (or blank line) below.

Screenshot annotated attached...not a major issue...well it might be if say a surgery above was scheduled for desexing and your nurse's were not "switched on" that early..

OpenVPMS - Kalinga Park Veterinary Surgery - No Customer 2012-08-29 13-42-44.png 14.17 KB

Re: Appointment notes display pointing to incorrect appointment

Wierd. Can you raise a JIRA for it?



Re: Appointment notes display pointing to incorrect appointment

Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

I just did a "MySQL Administrators" restore on my 1.6b2 home machine, updating it with today's work backup of our work v1.5.1 database.

Two things:

1.  I was back to a "trial version" rather than a "subscription expires August 2013" status (I guess the subs details are somewhere in the database, though; all good - I needed that opening screen for a screenshot for a tutorial anyway <g!>);

2.  more seriously, I couldn't look at any client medical records: as soon as I clicked on the patient name in the left window, I got an error message "No node found named invoiceItem in archetype act.patientMedication".  I could look at, and reprint, invoices, but couldn't access anything to do with patients.

Oh dear, my first thought: has "baby did a bad, bad thing?" (apologies to Chris Isaak).

Fortunately, not.  I re-ran Archload.bat, then stopped and restarted Tomcat...... whew..... all working fine again.  I post it here for anyone needing to do a restore to a higher version from a lower version of OpenVPMS (this was probably obvious to most of you, but wasn't to me).


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

I often forget to mention the need to reload archetypes on upgrade, but this time its there in the release notes:

Migrating from earlier versions

If you are migrating from a previous version (including 1.6-beta-1), you need to reload archetypes using the archload script in the <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin directory:


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

My brain regards "upgrading" and "restoring" as two different things hence my post (I'm trying to "think like an end-user) cheeky !


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

The due date mergefield now works ok......... I notice, however, that if a reminder is classified as interactive, the form produces a next vaccination date that is the default value for that reminder.  For example, if I have a C3 vax Temp vax with an interactive reminder that has a default of 4 weeks, but I interactively set it to 6 weeks to revax at 12 weeks, the endtime printed is for 4 weeks' time.

I also have a problem with the increasing length of these mergefields when it comes to designing forms in OpenOffice: what you see in OO is not necessarily what you get on paper.  Creating forms with tables containing longer mergefields can push table borders right and down and they don't shrink back when the field contents are shorter than the mergefield name. Is it possible for mergefield names to be shortened?

I think there also needs to be expanded date and time handling.  This is important as the documents that clients see need to be clear and concise.

What I'd like to see are some extra mergefields that break up the date into practical portions that are relevant to client handouts such as vaccination certificates or planned reviews.

At a minimum, I believe we need month (just the three letter code for month) and year so that a vaccination certificate will read "next vaccination due Sep 2013" rather than "next vaccination due 3/09/2013" which
* isn't as readable on a certificate,
* offers a level of precision that isn't required a year out and
* also stresses some clients into believing their pet already has an appointment for the 3/9/2013. 

Perhaps also a "startDate" field, which is just the date without a time component: perfect for grouping multi-day invoices by startDate, then sortOrder. 

These three date-handling fields would make documents that clients see more logical and easy to understand.

I do like your suggestion of  "have the Add Visit & Note button display the note in a tab" (message near top of thread). I find I jump out of the current note back into previous history several times a day. Being able to TAB into the summary, and back into current note would be of great benefit rather than save/close/read previous history/back into current note.

I'm also seeing the misplaced thought bubbles in both workflow/worklists and Workflow/scheduling.


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

  1. Interactive reminders cannot be used interactively when using the reminder:getDocumentFormReminder(.) function.
  2. Have you got an OpenOffice document that demonstrates the merge field length issue?
  3. I think we could support date formatting by implementing some of the XPath 3.0 functions e.g . Alternatively, we could just develop custom functions for the date: namespace.
  4. Regarding "have the Add Visit & Note button display the note in a tab". You wouldn't be able to tab from the summary to the current note; you would need to select the appropriate tab. It would also only be available during invoicing.


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

We went "live" with v1.6beta2 over the weekend and have immediately discovered "issues" with the new version.

We almost got caught with the misplaced thought bubble - fortunately my nurse knew that the bubble couldn't apply to the client it pointed to.

We're finding more serious issues with the new visit editor.  Firstly I can say that if you check-in, then consult, then invoice then bill then check out a client in one fell swoop the system works fine.  Where it all comes adrift is if you try to come back to a particular visit during the course of the day (for example an animal is admitted) without having placed at least one invoice item at the first "consult".

Here's an example: this animal is checked-in.  I then examine the animal, click on "Consult" in Worklists, then "New | Note" and type in my initial note.  I then click "Ok" to go back to "worklists" (I haven't invoiced anything yet).  A few minutes later, I click on "Consult" in Worklists to add some more information to the consult: I've done this for 12 months without difficulty.  However a new "No Reason" visit has appeared underneath my original visit, and the focus is on this new "No Reason" visit.

No worries, I think, I'll just delete this rogue new visit.... I click on "Delete" and I'm asked to confirm.  Note that the focus is on the "No Reason" visit........

..... and WHOA!!!! the original visit is deleted.  This is a totally repeatable occurrence.

Ok, I've learned my lesson.... leave that "No Reason" visit alone.  Next patient is admitted, I "consult", click "ok".  The clinical exam is ok, so my nurse"consults", click on "Invoices" tab and adds an Hospitalisation fee.  I go and do a GHP, come back, "consult" and, with the focus on the correct visit Add new attachment and amend the note to update the work done. When I click "ok", I note that the Hospitalisation fee has been placed in the "No reason" visit, NOT the visit on which the focus has been when I started the "consult" process.

I wondered if my nurse had added the fee to the wrong visit, so at the end of the procedure, I was VERY careful to ensure the focus was on the "Surgery" visit, completed my Notes, click on Invoicing and billed out the procedure.  Unfortunately, I find that OpenVPMS has placed all invoicing and medication information in the "No Reason" visit.   It doesn't matter that I have the focus on the current visit, OpenVPMS has placed all invoicing and medication information in the "No Reason" visit.

The only way I can fix this is to create a new Note in the No Reason visit, copy all the note content from the "proper" visit to the No Reason visit, add the attachment to the No Reason visit and then finally delete the original "proper" visit. 

Documents created also get attached to the "No Reason" visit as well as Invoicing and Medication.

Invoicing issues:

1. If I keep an animal overnight and perform a procedure, adding notes and invoices as I go along, I acquire multiple sets of invoicing and medication!

When I look in the Charges section there is only one set of charges, so OV's only written multiple copies into the Summary record.

2. Species specificity in invoicing has been lost in the upgrade, for example in v1.5.1 if you're invoicing a cat spey, you'll only see Products that match the Species (ie Feline) of the patient: not any more: any product matching the filter is shown in the selection window (so here I'm getting both Canine and Feline Products).

3. Finally, jumping to the Invoice tab used to place the cursor at Product ready to type in your appropriate fee.  You now have to click on the Product field to start entering data.

Hope this helps.


(aka "CrashTestDummy")

Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

Thanks Yuri. I've reproduced at least one of your problems with the visit editor and raised as OVPMS-1236

Should have a fix for it tomorrow.


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

My system under v1.6beta2 was creating new Visits entitled "No Reason" for admitted patients and then placing all invoice items into this visit rather than the visit that had originally been started. Notes were split over the original visit and the "No Reason" visit.

I noted that this didn't happen if a visit was concluded within a consult - it only happened if an animal was admitted, a note was started on a (wireless) laptop in the consulting room, then the visit was set to "In progress" and some hours later the visit was finished and invoiced (often on another (wireless) laptop in the surgery work area).  The resultant schemozzle is illustrated above.  If the visit extended over more than one day, all the invoice items re-appeared on each day in a succession of "No Reason" visits.  I'd spend 15-20 minutes every evening moving everything into one visit.

Apart from installing v1.6b2, nothing has changed on my clinic network since installing OpenVPMS over 12 months ago (except changing ISPs).  I was almost on the point of reverting to v1.5 in an attempt to rid my system of this problem.

Last weekend, I happened to be reading a thread on Whirlpool where someone was commenting on their network falling over for just a second or so every 20 minutes: after many pages, one sage contributor suggested checking the security on the wireless network and making sure it was WPA2-AES, not WPA-AES.

I checked the router and yes, it was set to WPA-AES.  I changed the security settings to WPA2 and I think I've finally gunned down my "No Reason" visits problem (rubbing rabbit's foot, crossing fingers etc).   There hasn't been a "No Reason" visit created in the last three days since I changed the security setting.  Why it never happened under v1.5.1 or v1.4 I'll never know (unless a java update changed something: and it's not a problem that you would intuitively understand the cause of.

Anyway, I post it here as an FYI in case anyone else has a similar issue.


Re: OpenVPMS 1.6-beta-2 released

Touching wood also helps.

That said, you're probably seeing OVPMS-1236

You can work around this if you manually select the visit prior to adding visit items.


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