Patient check-in documents bypass suggestion

The standard system setup displays the 'Select Document Template' screen showing Health and Vaccination Certificates.

For the large majority of appointments, these are not needed and displaying this screen is a waste of time.

Suggestion:  provide a method (practice location option ??) to bypass this screen.  In the cases where these are other patient documents are required, they can either be invoked via the New|Form facility in the visit editor, or attached to the appropriate product so that they get called up when that product is invoiced. 

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Re: Patient check-in documents bypass suggestion

There are so many customizations I can think of on a per clinic basis I would like to see...

colours, all the screen size stuff in stylesheets.

Personally I think we need a implementer customization project, that would cover all of these sorts of things...but it would be a big one I imagine.

Re: Patient check-in documents bypass suggestion

This sounds a like it could be met by

The project has changed a bit; see the corresponding JIRA as well:

-Tim A

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