Text extraction of medical history

I want to get a text version of the selected medical records.  That is I want to grab a text version of what comes out when you press the Print button on the medical records screen.

I did the following:

  • cloned patientClinicalEvent-a4.jrxml to make a text version
  • adjusted the PatientClinicalEvent document template to use the above text version
  • pressed print on the medical records screen - with Preview I can see all the data
  • created report macro that invokes the above template and used as the expression party:getPatientVisit($patient)

However when I run the macro, I am only getting the current visit record - for obvious reasons - I have passed just the last visit record.

What expression do I use in the report macro to give it the environment that Print button is using?

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Text extraction of medical history

You can't at present. Report macros can only be run with a single object supplied to them (e.g. $patient, $visit).

The report launched by Print gets a list of records to display based on the filter criteria.

There are a couple of ways of implementing support for this:

1. Add support for reporting on collections of objects, and provide the records as a variable. Its an expensive operation to do this, so there would need to be a facility to create it on demand.

2. Support SQL queries in report macros. The medical record query criteria would be exposed as variables that can be submitted to the report as parameters.

-Tim A

Re: Text extraction of medical history

Tim - there is a third way - adjust your browser to use Acrobat Reader (or something that will let you cut the text from the pdf - which the Firefox internal pdf viewer will not) then use Print|Preview and cut the text you want and paste into wherever.

I will check to see what the paractice manager wants to do [RxWorks allows you to suck in the current concultation history text]

Regards, Tim G

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