Total and current balance vary


I am wondering if others have noticed when printing a client Invoice that the total and the current balance sometimes vary by 1c.

I know 1c is not a huge thing but it looks a bit strange.



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Re: Total and current balance vary

They should be the same. What happens if you go to Customers -> Account, and click Check for the customer where the balances disagree?

You'll need to be logged in as an administrator to do this.


Re: Total and current balance vary

Hi Tim,

I have checked one and it says customer balance ok.

This is an invoice that has been paid but you can see balance and amount paid vary by 1c and they are not in credit. The items add up to $83.41 being the current balance and amount paid but the Total is rounded to $83.40

         TOTAL                           $ 83.40

         AMOUNT PAID                $ 83.41

         CURRENT BALANCE         $ 0.00          



Re: Total and current balance vary

Just to be clear, is it only the invoice report that prints the incorrect total, or does the invoice total on screen also show $83.40?

If its just the report, then it sounds as though the report is doing some rounding.



Re: Total and current balance vary

Hi Tim,

I had one yesterday.

I had not finalised the invoice so when I printed the invoice it only had the total amount ending in 88c, when I went to pay off the invoice the balance was 89c.

When I added up the items on the invoice they totaled 89c.

All a bit strange to the client when explaining the different amounts.


Re: Total and current balance vary


I believe the issue may be the invoiceitems template sums the individual entries printed on the invoice to display the total figure so it can do running totals for multi page invoices.  The Total is displayed to 2 decimal places on the invoice sub report which may display differently then the rounded figure for the invoice if some of the individual invoice items have totals not rounded to 2 decimal places ?



Re: Total and current balance vary

Thanks Tony,

Is this something we can fix?


Re: Total and current balance vary

This problem might occur if you have product prices in the database that go to 3 decimal places.

As far as I can tell, OpenVPMS rounds prices to 2 decimal places. However if they have been migrated from another system, they could go to 3 decimal places, and cause rounding errors.


Re: Total and current balance vary

Hi Tim,

I have run a stock valuation report and the cost of product has many decimals but the total only has 2 decimals. I guess this is where the problem has come from when we migrated. Do you know if I would need to change the product price of every individual product or if there is any process that can be run to change the structure of multiple products back to 2 decimals.



Re: Total and current balance vary

Your implementer should be able to write some SQL to round product prices to 2 decimal places.

Invoices that used the old prices will have to remain unchanged.


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