Enable/disable discounts by Practice Location

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Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Due date for completion of this stage: 
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Project description: 


This project will allow discounts to be enabled or disabled on a Practice Location basis.

This is primarily designed for practices that provide out-of-hours services where discounting is not used. For these practices, a separate Practice Location will be configured that disables discounts.

Disabling Discounts

When discounts are disabled:

  • the Discount field of invoice, credit and counter items will be hidden
  • the Low Discount and High Discount fields of estimate items will be hidden
  • discounts will not be calculated


Discounting is disabled by selecting a new flag "Disable Discounts" on the Practice Location. This is deselected by default.




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Re: Enable/disable discounts by Practice Location

This project has been fully funded by a member of our community and will now proceed.

Thanks very much for your support!

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