General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Strange screen issues with drop down boxes on terminals

Hi everyone,
This is a strange event that has started happening since we upgrade to 1.2 and I'm not sure if it just the settings on the terminals involved or an issue related to the upgrade. I was curious if other had experienced the same sort of thing.

We are using openvpms mainly through winterms and a Windows 2003 server. Of late two of our reception terminals have started showing a behaviour where their combo/drop down boxes will become permanently selected.

The focus needs to be moved to another area and then the list can be accessed again.


advance search dialogue

When in the "new appointment" screen we do not have the option to search the animal and the customer both.

transfer of data

Hello to all openvpms users,

I am considering implementing the open vpms system into my practice, but was wondering if anyone has changed over from filemaker (CHSvet) software, and if so that the data is easily able to be transferred over. any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated. thanks

Swedish letters entered via Firefox cause an error

It seems like there is a problem with international characters such as "ö, ä, and å" being entered via firefox. Doing so results in the error: "An application error has occurred. Your session has been reset." This is reproducible via the online demo. I submitted this originally via the feedback link and Tony answered via email, however I didn't know at the time that it was a Firefox-specific problem. Thanks for any help.


Hi Dan,

Thanks for your feedback.

OpenVPMS on MacOS X 10.5 issue

Hi All!

Long time forum member; first time poster. :)

I have installed OpenVPMS on a Mac with OS X 10.5, OpenVPMS Version: 1.2 (2950), Tomcat 5.5.27, JDK1.5, MySQL 5.0.67 and the MySQL J connector 5.1.6. I have followed the installation documentation which went smoothly and I can log into OpenVPMS successfully.

Amount tendered

We were wondering if the "amount tendered" could be bypassed (if desired) when receipting cash.
At the moment you don't have this option.

Printing receipts

I work at a vet clinic that uses OpenVPMS. I've noticed that when finalising a payment, the system automatically prints a receipt of payment. I was wondering if there is a way to have an option to not print the receipt, to cut down paper usage.

Contributing to documentation

If you haven't visited the site for a while you may not realise that the documentation has moved and is now located at

The documentation can be submitted by any user. If you can log in to the site, you can contribute to the documentation.

The documentation is organised into three different books.

Changing statuses and moving patients/appointments between schedules/lists

Hi everyone again,

Shortcut keys
Recently an OpenVPMS user asked me why you couldn't change a status of a vist/invoice using a shortcut key. I said there are many shortcuts we would like to have, but its early days. On further thought, I reckon he might be right. There are some actions we would perform thousands of times per week and in some clinics, per day! Status changing is certainly one of them. But how to have a shortcut key for something which can have several values? ie. Pending, In Progress, Billed etc etc

Clinician entry - spped in workflows

Hi everyone,
I was recently visiting another OpenVPMS users' clinic and he mentioned the number of times it is required to enter a clinicians name. It got me thinking. How often do I need to re-enter my name when working through a task like a consultation? How is the user that appears by default chosen by the program? The truth is I can't say I know the answer to either question, but it is a legitimate point.

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