General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

[Customer Module] Adding new customer

Hi Tony, When adding a new customer, the automatically added location contact and phone contact don't show recent changes when clicking apply. Matt

[Workflow Module]Date entering

Hi Tony, When entering dates using mnemonics ie.8y it is adding the numeral to the date not subtracting. Matt

Trouble with enter

[Product Module] Difficulty with Product templates

Hi Tony, Created a template today called RACL (medium) but cant get it to appear in my new estimation or invoice when trying to add as an item. Matt Costa


[Financial Module] computing sales tax

I can see the GST of 10% in the sample date. In the US, sales tax rates vary per state and by locale. Do you think it's feasible to allow the sales tax to be set per clinic? That way the clinic's address determines the tax rate. For example, a clinic in North Carolina is subject to a tax rate of 6.75%, but a New York clinic (depending on locale) might be 8.375%.

install problem

Tony, I'm trying to do a fresh build, and I'm failing at the step To build the archetypes: > cd openvpms-archetypes > maven -Dmaven.test.skip jar:install Based on the error (shown below) and poking around the ibibio site, it looks like at least one of the directories that it's looking for do not exist. Where would I fix this? Thanks Lee Error text: __ __ | \/ |__ _Apache__ ___ | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~ |_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.0.2 Attempting to download spring-aop-1.2.5.jar.

[General Discussion] demo failure

It seems on my laptop I cannot access the demo. Its sends me on a loop to enter user name and password., pleas wait then enter user name and pass word. Any suggestions?

[Subscriptions] Subscription pricing concerns / ideas

My understanding of the aims of the current subscription formula is to... 1. Recover initial seed funding 2. Reduce subscriptions dramatically when initial seed funding is repaid 3. Not penalise practices for running extra workstations 4. Make it very affordable for small practices

[General Discussion] Feedback from the Melbourne Seminar

I wanted to express my positive reaction to the OpenVPMS seminar held last night (Wednesday 19 Oct, 2006) in Melbourne. I commend what you guys are doing and was especially impressed with Tony's enthusiasm and expertise, he most definately seemed to live up to his reputation as being one of the 'good guys' in the Veterinary software industry.
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