OpenVPMS supports a subset of the HL7 2.5 messaging standard, to enable transfer of clinical and administrative data to other applications.

Patient Administration Messages

The following Patient Administration messages are supported:

Message Type Message Event Description Triggered Direction
ADT A01 Admit/visit notification
  • When an appointment changes status from Pending to In Progress, Admitted, or Checked In
ADT A03 Discharge/end visit
  • When an appointment changes status to Completed.
  • When an invoice is finalised without the patient being checked-in
ADT A08 Update patient information
  • When a patient is saved
  • When a patient weight record is saved or deleted
  • When a patient Allergy alert is saved or deleted
  • When product ordered via a Pharmacy is invoiced, and the patient isn't currently admitted
ADT A011 Cancel admit/visit notification
  • When an appointment status changes to Cancel after being In Progress, Admitted, or Checked In
  • When Check-In is cancelled


Pharmacy Messages

The following pharmacy messages are supported:

Message Type Message Event Description Triggered Direction
RDE O11 Pharmacy order message
  • When a product linked to a Pharmacy is invoiced
  • When an ordered product quantity changes. This generates an amendment
  • When the item associated with an ordered product is deleted. This generates a cancellation.
RDS O13 Pharmacy dispense message
  • When a pharmacy product is dispensed
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